rasa — rasa … Dictionnaire des rimes
rasa — rasà sf. (4) 1. H, Sut, N, K, DŽ vandens lašeliai, susidarę, atvėsus orui, aptraukiantys žemės paviršiuje esančius daiktus, augalus: Rasa krinta SD317, R. Grūdelis (lašelis) rasos R356. Rasa užeina R350. Nei rasa kris (rasos), nei lis CII580.… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Raša — L église Sainte Barbe à Raša Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Raša — Raša … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rasa — may refer to:* Roosevelt Academy Student Association, Student Association of Liberal Arts Honors College in Middelburg, The Netherlands * Rasa (aesthetics), a concept in the Indian performing arts * Rasa (contemporary devotional music), a musical … Wikipedia
Rasa — Жанры музыка нью эйдж индийская музыка Годы с 1998 года по настоящее время Страна … Википедия
Raša — ( it. Arsia) is a village and municipality in the inner part of the Raška Cove in the south eastern part of Istria, Croatia, 4.5 km southwest of Labin; elevation 10 m.Situated in the valley of the Krapanski Brook (a tributary of the Raša river),… … Wikipedia
rasa — Rasa (taste) is an important Indian aesthetic con cept applied to literature, drama, and occasionally mythology. Literally, rasa is the taste, savor, or essence of something. In aesthetics rasa is the essential sentiment embedded in a work of… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
rasa — s. f. 1. Medida antiga, de capacidade, equivalente ao alqueire. 2. Rasoura (1.ª acepção). 3. O preço mais baixo; descrédito. 4. [Direito] Página manuscrita que contém um certo número de linhas e de letras. 5. à rasa: até ao limite. 6. pôr alguém … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
rasa — rasá vb., ind. prez. 3 sg. şi pl. raseáză Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic rasá s. f. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic tábula rása … Dicționar Român