Autolycus — Autolycus, griech., Astronom aus Pitane im 4. Jahrh. v. Chr., schrieb über die Himmelskugel und den Auf und Untergang der Fixsterne Werke, die keine besonderen Beobachtungen enthalten (abgedruckt in des Dasypodius Propos. doctr. sphaericae,… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Autolycus — In Greek mythology, Autolycus (in Greek, polytonic|Αὐτόλυκος ndash; Lone Wolf ) was a son of Hermes and Chione.He was the father of Anticlea (who married Laertes of Ithaca and was the mother of Odysseus) and of several sons of whom only Aesimus… … Wikipedia
Autolycus — /aw tol i keuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a thief, the son of Hermes and Chione, and the grandfather of Odysseus. He possessed the power of changing the shape of whatever he stole and of making it and himself invisible. * * * ▪ Greek mythology in… … Universalium
AUTOLYCUS — I. AUTOLYCUS Mercurii filius, qui proxima Parnassi loca furtis infestavit. Ovid. Mer. l. 11. v. 313. Nascitur Autolycus furtum ingeniosus ad omne. Martial. l. 8. Epigr. 59. v. 4. Non fuit Autolyci tam piceata manus. Sunt qui Iasonis comitem… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Autolycus — /aw tol i keuhs/, n. Class. Myth. a thief, the son of Hermes and Chione, and the grandfather of Odysseus. He possessed the power of changing the shape of whatever he stole and of making it and himself invisible. * * * Autolycus /ö tolˈi kəs/ noun … Useful english dictionary
Autolycus of Pitane — (c. 360 BC–c. 290 BC) was a Greek astronomer, mathematician, and geographer. Life and work Autolycus was born in Pitane, a town of Aeolis within Western Anatolia. Of his personal life nothing is known, although he was a contemporary of Aristotle… … Wikipedia
AUTOLYCUS puer — pancratiô victor, propter quem Xenophon Symposium scripsit, inter Leocratis opera, memoratur Plinio l. 34. c. 8 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Autolycus (comics) — Superherobox| caption= comic color=background:#ff8080 character name=Autolycus real name= species=Sark publisher=Marvel Comics debut= Strange Tales #179 (Feb 1975) creators=Jim Starlin alliance color=background:#c0c0ff status= alliances= previous … Wikipedia
Autolycus (disambiguation) — The name Autolycus ( el. Αυτόλυκος) refers to several people:* Autolycus (or Autólykos ) in Greek mythology was a renowned thief and wrestler.* In The Winter s Tale by William Shakespeare, Autolycus is the name of a thieving peddler. * Autolycus… … Wikipedia
Autolycus (crater) — lunar crater data caption=Autolycus as seen from Apollo 15. NASA photo. latitude=30.7 N or S=N longitude=1.5 E or W=E diameter=39 km depth=3.4 km colong=358 eponym=AutolycusAutolycus is a lunar impact crater that is located in the southeast part… … Wikipedia