Roederer — may refer to: *Louis Roederer, a Champagne house *Pierre Louis Roederer (1754 1835), French politician and historian *Antoine Marie Roederer (1782 1865), his son, also a politician *Juan Gualterio Roederer (1929 present), academic … Wikipedia
Roederer — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Patronyme Roederer est un nom de famille notamment porté par : Pierre Louis Roederer (1754 1835) avocat et homme politique ; Antoine Marie… … Wikipédia en Français
ROEDERER, COUNT PIERRE LOUIS° — (1754–1835), French politician and economist, born in Metz. When a member of the Constituent Assembly, Roederer sided with clermont tonnerre , Robespierre, and others in support of the Jewish claim for political equality (1789–91). He had become… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Roederer Correctional Complex — is a minimum and medium security state prison located in La Grange, Kentucky, about 30 miles northeast of Louisville. It opened in 1978 and had a prison population of 997 as of 2007.References* [ History… … Wikipedia
Roederer-Kopfhaltung — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 O64.8 Geburtshindernis durch sonstige Lage , Haltungs und Einstellungsanomalien … Deutsch Wikipedia
Roederer, Pierre-Louis, count — (1754 1835) political figure Born in Metz, where he was an adviser to the parlement (1780), Pierre Louis, count Roederer was elected a deputy for the third estate to the Estates General in 1789. A member of the jacobin Club at the beginning … France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present
Roederer-Kopfeinstellung — Ro̲e̲derer Kọpfeinstellung [nach dem dt. Geburtshelfer J.Roederer KopfeinstellungG. Roederer, 1727 1763]: Haltungs und Einstellungsanomalie des kindlichen Kopfes im Beckeneingang (bei der Geburt), die für das allgemein verengte Becken… … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Roederer — … Useful english dictionary
Roederer, Louis — champagne … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Champagne Louis Roederer — Siège social à Reims Le Champagne Louis Roederer est une maison de Champagne fondée en 1776 et propriété de la même famille depuis 1819. Il s agit de l’une des dernières maisons de Champagne encore indépendantes. Sa production de vins de… … Wikipédia en Français