Ruggeri — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ruggeri es un apellido de origen italiano. Entre sus portadores se encuentran: Enrico Ruggeri (n. 1957), cantautor italiano. Guido Ruggeri (fl. 1550s), grabador italiano. Oscar Ruggeri (n. 1962), futbolista argentino … Wikipedia Español
Ruggeri — Nom de famille italien, forme plurielle de Ruggiero (= Roger). Variantes : Ruggero, Rugiero, Rugieri, Ruggier, Ruggieri, Roggero, Roggeri, Roggiero, Roggieri … Noms de famille
Ruggeri Ubaldini — fut un archevêque de Pise au XIIIe siècle, cité dans la Divine Comédie de Dante. Biographie Neveu du cardinal Ottaviano Ubaldini, il commença sa carrière ecclésiastique à la cour épiscopale de Bologne, et fut appelé en 1271 par les gibelins… … Wikipédia en Français
Ruggeri reflex (sign) — Rug·ge·ri reflex (sign) (roo jaґre) [Ruggero Ruggeri, Italian physician, 1823–1905] see under reflex … Medical dictionary
Ruggeri, Francisco — , Cremona, 1640 to 1684. This celebrated maker is considered to have been a pupil of Antonius Amati, and made many excellent instruments which bear a high reputation. They rank next to the Amati. Their quality is similar, and the style of work … Violins and Violin Makers. Biographical Dictionary
Ruggeri reflex — acceleration of the pulse following strong convergence of the eyeballs toward something very close to the eyes; it indicates sympathetic excitability … Medical dictionary
Ruggeri sign — see under reflex … Medical dictionary
Ruggeri, Guido — , Cremona, 1679 … Violins and Violin Makers. Biographical Dictionary
Ruggeri, Giovanni Baptista — , son of Francisco. Brescia, 1690. Mentioned above … Violins and Violin Makers. Biographical Dictionary
Ruggeri, Pietro Giacomo — . Brescia 1700 to 1720. The celebrated violoncellist Piatti plays on an instrument by this maker, and the tone is uncommonly fine and sonorous as all who have heard him know … Violins and Violin Makers. Biographical Dictionary