rut — rut … Dictionnaire des rimes
rut — [ ryt ] n. m. • XIVe; ruit mil. XIIe; lat. rugitus « rugissement » ♦ Période d activité sexuelle des mammifères pendant laquelle les animaux cherchent à s accoupler; l état dans lequel ils se trouvent pendant cette période. Femelle en rut. ⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Rut — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Rut en el campo de Booz Para Rol único tributario (Chile), véase RUT. Para otros usos del nombre propio, véase Ruth … Wikipedia Español
Rut — may refer to:* Rut (mammalian reproduction), the period of time when antlered ungulates mate; for elephant rut, see Musth * Rut (roads), a depression or groove worn into a road or pathPeople with the given name Rut:* Rut Blees Luxemburg (21st… … Wikipedia
rut — s.n. Stare fiziologică la animale, corespunzătoare perioadei de activitate sexuală, de durată şi periodicitate variabilă, în timpul căreia se petrec unele transformări ale aparatului genital. – Din fr. rut. Trimis de LauraGellner, 08.07.2004.… … Dicționar Român
rut — (rut ) s. m. Le temps où les bêtes fauves et quelques autres sont en chaleur. • Jamais la biche en rut n a pour fait d impuissance Traîné du fond des bois un cerf à l audience, BOILEAU Sat. VIII. Par extension. • Mais Jeanne tout en rut s… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
rut — [rʌt] n [Sense: 1 2; Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Perhaps from Old French route; ROUTE1] [Sense: 3; Date: 1100 1200; : Old French; Origin: loud sound made by a deer , from Latin rugire to roar ] 1.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
rut — rut1 [rut] n. [< ? MFr route,ROUTE] 1. a groove, furrow, or track, esp. one made in the ground by the passage of wheeled vehicles 2. a fixed, routine course of action, thought, etc., esp. one regarded as monotonous vt. rutted, rutting to make… … English World dictionary
RUT — may refer to:* Rol Único Tributario, the Chilean taxation unique contributor roll identification number * RUT (AAR), a small railroad in the north eastern United States * RUT (IATA), a state owned public use airport located in North Clarendon,… … Wikipedia
rut — [ rʌt ] noun 1. ) count usually singular a situation that is boring and difficult to change: be (stuck) in a rut: If you re in a rut, change jobs. 2. ) count a deep narrow mark in the ground made by a wheel: I had to walk in frozen ruts in the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English