Samaranch — [ rantʃ], Juan Antonio, spanischer Diplomat und Sportfunktionär, * Barcelona 17. 7. 1920; 1977 80 spanischer Botschafter in Moskau, seit 1966 Mitglied des IOK, 1980 2001 IOK Präsident. Unter Samaranch erfuhr die olympische Bewegung einen großen … Universal-Lexikon
Samaranch — Samaranch, Juan Antonio … Enciclopedia Universal
Samaranch, Juan António, marqués de Samaranch — ▪ Spanish businessman and public official born July 17, 1920, Barcelona, Spain Spanish businessman and public official who served from 1980 to 2001 as the seventh president of the International Olympic Committee (Olympic Games) (IOC).… … Universalium
Samaranch, Juan Antonio — ▪ 2000 In 1999, after nearly two decades as president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Juan António Samaranch was faced with two major scandals: alleged corruption within the IOC and the rising use of performance enhancing… … Universalium
Samaranch, Juan Antonio — b. 1920, Barcelona Sports administrator After a career in finance and the diplomatic service, culminating in a period as Spain s ambassador to the USSR from 1977–80, Juan Antonio Samaranch Torrello, Marqués de Samaranch, turned to full time … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
САМАРÁНЧ (Samaranch) Хуан Антонио — (Samaranch) Хуан Антонио (р. 1920), деятель междунар. спорт. движения, исп. дипломат и промышленник. С 1966 член, в 1974–78 вице през., с 1980 през. Междунар. олимп. к та (МОК). Посол Испании в СССР и Монголии в 1977–80 … Биографический словарь
Samaranch, Juan Antonio — ► (n. 1920) Político y empresario español. Fue embajador en Moscú (1977 1980) y presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional desde 1980 hasta 2001 … Enciclopedia Universal
Juan Antonio Samaranch — This is a Catalan name. The first family name is Samaranch and the second is Torelló. Juan Antonio Samaranch Joan Antoni Samaranch Samaranch at the 2000 Summer Olympics … Wikipedia
Juan Antonio Samaranch — in Sydney 2000 Juan Antonio Samaranch; katalanisch Joan Antoni Samaranch i Torelló, seit 1991 Marqués de Samaranch;[1] (* 17. Juli … Deutsch Wikipedia
Juan Antonio Samaranch — en 2000. Nom de naissance Juan Antonio Samaranch Torelló … Wikipédia en Français