Babalú Ayé — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Babalu ayé es una de las deidades de la religión yoruba. En la santería sincretiza con San Lázaro. En los cultos afrobrasileros se equivale con Omolú. Contenido 1 Resumen 2 El Orisha 3 Familia … Wikipedia Español
Babalu Aye — Omolú In the religious system of Orisha worship, Babalú Ayé is the praise name of the spirit of the Earth and strongly associated with infectious disease, and healing. He is an Orisha, representing the deity Olorun on Earth. The name Babalú Ayé… … Wikipedia
Babalu Aye — Obaluaiê, dont le haut du corps est couvert d un masque de fibres. Babalu Aye (ou Babalú Ayé), appelé également au Brésil Obaluaiê, ou Omolú, est, dans les religions afro américaines d origine yoruba, l orisha des maladies et de la mort. Il est… … Wikipédia en Français
Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah — Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah Supreme Court of the United States Argued November 4, 19 … Wikipedia
Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye — For the U.S. Supreme Court case, see Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye (CLBA) is a Santería church in Hialeah, Florida. CLBA was founded and incorporated in 1974 by Oba Ernesto Pichardo and his associates … Wikipedia
Babalu (song) — Babalu is the title of a Cuban song, written by Margarita Lecuona, the cousin of composers Ernestina and Ernesto Lecuona. The song title is either a reference to the Santería deity Babalu Aye or to Babalawo, the title of a Santería priest and… … Wikipedia
Babalu — may refer to: * Babalu (song) a 1940s song popularized by Desi Arnaz. * Babalu Aye, the spirit of illness and disease in Yoruba mythology * Babalu (album) a Michael Bublé albumBabalu may also refer to: * The nickname for MMA fighter, Renato… … Wikipedia
Babalu (album) — Infobox Album | Name = Babalu Type = Album Artist = Michael Bublé Released = 2001 Recorded = Genre = Jazz Easy listening Length = 40:53 Label = Producer = Reviews = Last album = First Dance (1996) This album = Babalu (2001) Next album = Dream… … Wikipedia
Obalaué — Babalu aye es un orisha o dios de la mitología yoruba. Se trata del dios de la peste y las enfermedades. Como buena parte de la mitología africana llegó a América con la introducción de esclavos negros, que mezclaron sus creencias ancestrales con … Wikipedia Español
Mitología yoruba — Bosque sagrado de Osun Osogbo. La mitología yoruba es la gama mundial de deidades de creencias y religiones yoruba, procedente de África (principalmente en Nigeria y Benín), y que han influido o ha dado a luz a varias religiones en el resto del… … Wikipedia Español