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  • SERKIN (R.) — Rudolf SERKIN 1903 1991 Le génie de Rudolf Serkin se dissimule derrière une biographie d’une trompeuse simplicité et d’un mutisme rare. Aucun accident passionnel, aucun de ces coups d’éclat qui bouleversent les foules ne vient déranger… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Serkin — puede hacer referencia a: Rudolf Serkin (1903 1991), pianista austriaco nacionalizado estadounidense. Peter Serkin (1947 ), pianista estadounidense, hijo del anterior. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo… …   Wikipedia Español

  • serkin — n. m. (Afr. subsah.) HIST Souverain, chef de tribu, au Niger …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Serkin — [sʉr′kin] Rudolf 1903 91; U.S. pianist, born in Bohemia …   English World dictionary

  • Serkin — Sẹrkin,   Rudolf, amerikanischer Pianist russischer Herkunft, * Eger (heute Cheb) 28. 3. 1903, ✝ Guilford (Vermont) 8. 5. 1991; studierte u. a. bei A. Schönberg und lehrte seit 1939 am Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, Pa. (1968 76… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Serkin — noun United States concert pianist (born in Czechoslovakia) (1903 1991) • Syn: ↑Rudolf Serkin • Instance Hypernyms: ↑pianist, ↑piano player * * * /serr kin/; Ger. /serdd kin/, n. 1. Rudolf …   Useful english dictionary

  • SERKIN, PETER ADOLF — (1947– ), pianist. Serkin s rich musical heritage extends back several generations: his grandfather was violinist and composer Adolf Busch and his father was pianist rudolf serkin . Peter Serkin was born in New York and studied with his father… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • SERKIN, RUDOLF — (1903–1991), pianist. Born in Eger, Bohemia, Serkin made his first public appearance at the age of 12. He began his concert career in Berlin in 1920, and made his American debut in Washington in 1933 with the violinist Adolf Busch, whose daughter …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Serkin, Rudolf — born March 28, 1903, Eger, Bohemia, Austria Hungary died May 8, 1991, Guilford, Vt., U.S. Austrian born U.S. pianist. He made his debut at age 12 in Vienna, and from 1920 he was a close associate of the conductor Adolf Busch, whose daughter he… …   Universalium

  • Serkin, Peter — ▪ American pianist born July 24, 1947, New York, N.Y., U.S.       American pianist noted for his performances of classical and contemporary works.       A son of pianist Rudolf Serkin, Peter was a prodigy who by the age of 12 played concertos by… …   Universalium

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