SEVERI (F.) — SEVERI FRANCESCO (1879 1961) Mathématicien italien né à Arezzo et mort à Rome. Francesco Severi a consacré la plupart de ses travaux à la géométrie algébrique, poursuivant et complétant les résultats de G. Castelnuovo et F. Enriques en suivant… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Severi — may refer to: *Francesco Severi, Italian mathematician and geometer of the early 20th century *Severan dynasty, a dynasty of Roman emperors, ruling in the late 2nd and early 3rd century *Severi (tribe), a Slavic tribe that participated in the… … Wikipedia
Severi — Severi, Francesco Buonaccorso Gherardo, italienischer Mathematiker, * Arezzo 13. 4. 1879, ✝ Rom 8. 12. 1961; Professor in Parma (1904), Padua (1905) und Rom (1922), einer der wichtigsten Vertreter der klassischen Schule der algebraischen… … Universal-Lexikon
Severi Paajanen — Apodo Seve Nacimiento 23 de octubre de 1986 (25 años) Turku, Finlandia Nacionalidad … Wikipedia Español
Severi-Brauer variety — In mathematics, a Severi Brauer variety over a field K is an algebraic variety V which becomes isomorphic to projective space over an algebraic closure of K . Examples are conic sections C : provided C is non singular, it becomes isomorphic to… … Wikipedia
Severi, Carlo — Director of research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) social anthropology workshop in Paris. Severi has studied Native American shamanistic traditions and dressing rites in Oceania. The subtitle of one of his… … Historical dictionary of shamanism
Severi, Bruno — (1946– ) Vice president and scientific coordinator of the Centro Studi Parapsicologici (Center for Parapsychological Studies) of Bologna, Italy, and member of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bologna. In addition to research… … Historical dictionary of shamanism
SEVERI — Severiana … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
СЕВÉРИ (Severi) Франческо — (Severi) Франческо (1879–1961), итал. математик, иностр. ч. к. РАН (1924), АН СССР (1925). Тр. по алгебр. геометрии, алгебре, топологии … Биографический словарь
Francesco Severi — Naissance 13 avril 1879 Arezzo (Italie) Décès 8 décembre 1961 Rome (Italie) … Wikipédia en Français