SLONIMSKI (A.) — S face= EU Caron ゲONIMSKI ANTONI (1895 1976) Né à Varsovie, Antoni S face= EU Caron ゥonimski fit ses débuts comme poète en 1918, l’année mémorable où la Pologne saluait avec enthousiasme son indépendance recouvrée. Toutes les illusions, tous les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Słonimski — Antoni Słonimski Antoni Słonimski (* 15. November 1895 in Warschau; † 4. Juli 1976) war ein polnischer Poet und Autor. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leb … Deutsch Wikipedia
Słonimski — Słonịmski [su̯ɔ ], Antoni, polnischer Schriftsteller, * Warschau 15. 10. 1895, ✝ ebenda 4. 7. 1976; Mitgründer der Dichtergruppe »Skamander«; 1939 Emigration (Paris, London), 1946 48 Leiter der literarischen Abteilung der UNESCO, 1951 Rückkehr … Universal-Lexikon
SLONIMSKI, ḤAYYIM SELIG — (1810–1904), Hebrew popular science writer and editor. He also used the pseudonym Ḥazas (the Hebrew initials of his name). Born in Bialystok, he wrote popular science articles during the Haskalah period. His initial acquaintance with science… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SLONIMSKI, ANTONI — (1895–1976), Polish poet, author, and critic. The son of a converted Warsaw physician and grandson of the Hebrew writer Ḥayyim Selig Slonimski , Slonimski began his literary career during World War I, publishing his early Sonety and founding the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SLONIMSKI, LEONID ZINOVYEVICH — (1850–1918), lawyer and publicist; son of Ḥayyim Selig Slonimski , he was born in Zhitomir and graduated from the faculty of law of Kiev University in 1872. He settled in St. Petersburg and converted to the Greek Orthodox religion. He was a… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
SLONIMSKI, MIKHAIL LEONIDOVICH — (1897–1972), Soviet Russian author and critic. Born in Pavlovsk, of a prominent, highly assimilated family, Slonimski was the son of leonid slonimski , nephew of the literary historian Semyon Vengerov, and a cousin of the famous Polish poet… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Słonimski, Antoni — ▪ Polish writer and translator born Nov. 15, 1895 , Warsaw, Pol., Russian Empire died July 4, 1976, Warsaw, Pol. Polish poet, translator, and newspaper columnist known for his devotion to pacifism and social justice. Słonimski studied … Universalium
Slonimski Rayon — Admin ASC 2 Code Orig. name Slonimski Rayon Country and Admin Code BY.03.621752 BY … World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II
Slonimski, Hayyim Selig — (1810 1904) Polish Hebrew writer and editor. He was born in Bialystok. During the Haskalah he wrote articles on popular science, and in 1834 he published the first part of a mathematics textbook; later he wrote a work on astronomy. He also… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography