

Das englische Wort Stargazer (Sterndeuter) bezeichnet:

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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • Stargazer — Star gaz er ( g[=a]z [ e]r), n. 1. One who gazes at the stars; an astrologer; sometimes, in derision or contempt, an astronomer. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of several species of spiny rayed marine fishes belonging to {Uranoscopus},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stargazer — ► NOUN informal ▪ an astronomer or astrologer …   English terms dictionary

  • stargazer — [stär′gā΄zər] n. 1. a person who stargazes, as an astrologer or astronomer 2. any of a family (Uranoscopidae) of tropical, marine percoid fishes having eyes at the top of the head and sensory electrical organs behind the eyes …   English World dictionary

  • Stargazer — Taxobox name = Stargazer image width = 250px image caption = Uranoscopus sulphureus regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes familia = Uranoscopidae subdivision ranks = Genera subdivision = Astroscopus… …   Wikipedia

  • Stargazer — Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos relacionados con el mismo título. Si llegaste aquí a través de un enlace interno, quizá desees corregirlo de modo que apunte al artículo apropiado. Stargazer puede refe …   Wikipedia Español

  • stargazer — UK [ˈstɑː(r)ˌɡeɪzə(r)] / US [ˈstɑrˌɡeɪzər] noun [countable] Word forms stargazer : singular stargazer plural stargazers informal someone who studies the stars Derived word: stargazing noun uncountable …   English dictionary

  • stargazer — /stahr gay zeuhr/, n. 1. a person who stargazes, as an astronomer or astrologer. 2. a daydreamer. 3. an impractical idealist. 4. any of several marine fishes of the family Uranoscopidae, having the eyes at the top of the head. 5. See sand… …   Universalium

  • Stargazer (disambiguation) — Stargazer may refer to:* Stargazer, a Lockheed L 1011 operated by Orbital Sciences Corporation and used as a launch vehicle for their Pegasus launch vehicle * Stargazer (astronomy), one who observes celestial objects and phenomena on a regular… …   Wikipedia

  • Stargazer (aircraft) — Stargazer Launch of a Pegasus XL from Stargazer with the ST 5 satellites Launch pad(s) 1 Launch history …   Wikipedia

  • Stargazer (avión) — Stargazer Lanzamiento de un Pegasus XL desde el Stargazer. Plataformas 1 …   Wikipedia Español

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