Strnad — [strnat], Oskar, österreichischer Bühnenbildner, * Wien 26. 10. 1879, ✝ Bad Aussee 3. 9. 1935; zuerst Architekt, wandte sich 1919 der Bühne zu. Strnad war ab 1924 ein enger Mitarbeiter M. Reinhardts im Wiener Theater in der Josefstadt und bei… … Universal-Lexikon
strnád — a m (ȃ) manjša ptica pevka z navadno rjavo progastim hrbtom in rumenim, belim ali rdeče rjavim trebuhom: v gozdu so se oglašali strnadi; ščinkavci in strnadi ♦ zool. črnoglavi strnad s črno glavo in rumenim grlom, Emberiza melanocephala; rumeni… … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
STRNAD, OSKAR — (1879–1935), Austrian architect and interior decorator. Born in Vienna, Strnad was head of the department of architecture at the Wiener Kunstgewerbeschule, from 1914 until his death. He had received a classical training, and aspired to purity of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Strnad, Oskar — (1879 1935) Designer. Strnad was an accomplished architect and teacher of design. His most important work as a stage designer took place between 1919 and 1933. Beginning in 1919, Strnad designed several productions both in Berlin and for the… … Historical dictionary of German Theatre
Strnad Klatovský — Karel Slavoj Amerling Karel Slavoj Amerling, auch Karl Slavomil Amerling, Pseudonym Slavoj Strnad Klatovský, (* 18. September 1807 in Klatovy; † 2. November 1884 in Prag) war ein tschechischer Pädagoge, Schriftsteller und Philosoph … Deutsch Wikipedia
Strnad, Stanislav — • СТРНАД (Strnad) Станислав (р. 17.12.1930) чехосл. режиссёр. С 1954 работал на ТВ, где снял этнографич. ф. Встречи в Южной Чехии и Моравские встречи , ф. балеты, комедии, эстрадные программы. В 1956 окончил ВГИК. Участвовал как 2 й режиссёр в … Кино: Энциклопедический словарь
Strnad, Gaspar — , Prague, 1781 to 1793. This maker bears a good reputation … Violins and Violin Makers. Biographical Dictionary
Janez Strnad — (born March 4, 1934) is a Slovene physicist and populariser of natural science. Life and work Strnad was born in Ljubljana, Kingdom of Yugoslavia (now Slovenia).He taught for many years from 1961 at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty for… … Wikipedia
Oskar Strnad — (* 26. Oktober 1879 in Wien; † 3. September 1935 in Bad Aussee[1]) war ein österreichischer Architekt, Designer und Bühnenbildner jüdischer Herkunft. Zusammen mit Josef Frank prägte er die so genannte Wiener Schule der Architektur. Er vertrat… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Oskar Strnad — (26 October 1879–3 September 1935) was an Austrian architect, sculptor, designer and set designer for films and theatres. Together with Josef Frank he was instrumental in creating the distinctive character of the Wiener Schule der Architektur (… … Wikipedia