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  • STROMINGER, JACK — (1925– ), U.S. biochemist. Born in New York, he graduated in psychology from Harvard University and received his M.D. from Yale University. After clinical training at Barnes Hospital (1948–49) and an American College of Physicians research… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Strominger's equations — In heterotic string theory, the Strominger s equations are the set of equations that are necessary and sufficient conditions for spacetime supersymmetry. It is derived by requiring the 4 dimensional spacetime to be maximally symmetric, and adding …   Wikipedia

  • Andrew Strominger — an der Harvard University Andrew Eben Strominger (* 30. Juli 1955 in Cambridge, England) ist ein US amerikanischer Theoretischer Physiker und Stringtheoretiker. Strominger ist der Sohn von Jack L. Strominger, Professor für Bioch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Andrew Strominger — (born 1955) is an American theoretical physicist who works on string theory and son of Jack L. Strominger. He is currently a professor at Harvard University and a senior fellow at the Society of Fellows. He got his undergraduate degree from… …   Wikipedia

  • Jack L. Strominger — (* 7. August 1925 in New York City) ist ein US amerikanischer Immunologe und Professor an der Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Strominger leistete auf dem Gebiet der molekularen Immunologie grundlegende Arbeiten zum Verständnis der …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Andrew Strominger — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Andrew Strominger (nacido en 1955) es un físico teórico de Estados Unidos que trabaja en teoría de cuerdas. Se doctoró en 1982 en el MIT bajo la supervisión de Roman Jackiw. Sus contribuciones a la física incluyen …   Wikipedia Español

  • Santa J. Ono — (born November 23, 1962) is an American Canadian biologist and university administrator. He is considered to be a key opinion leader in ocular inflammation and an international authority on allergic conjunctivitis.BiographyBorn in Vancouver,… …   Wikipedia

  • Gary Horowitz — Gary T. Horowitz (* 14. April 1955 in Washington D. C.) ist ein US amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker, der sich mit Stringtheorie und Quantengravitation beschäftigt. Horowitz studierte an der Princeton University (Bachelor 1976) und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Conifold — In mathematics and string theory, a conifold is a generalization of a manifold. Unlike manifolds, conifolds can contain conical singularities i.e. points whose neighbourhoods look like cones over a certain base. In physics, in particular in flux… …   Wikipedia

  • HLA-C — Major histocompatibility complex, class I, C Illustation of an HLA C showing the HLA B alpha chain, ?2 Microglobulin, and the end of a peptide bound in the binding cleft …   Wikipedia

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