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CH-TG — Kanton Thurgau Wappen des Kantons Thurgau Basisdaten Hauptort: Frauenfeld Fläche: 991 km² (Rang 12) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mostindien — Kanton Thurgau Wappen des Kantons Thurgau Basisdaten Hauptort: Frauenfeld Fläche: 991 km² (Rang 12) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Digitales Oberösterreichisches Raum-Informations-System — Dieser Artikel wurde zur Löschung vorgeschlagen. Falls du Autor des Artikels bist, lies dir bitte durch, was ein Löschantrag bedeutet, und entferne diesen Hinweis nicht. Zur Löschdiskussion Begründung: Vorlage:Löschantragstext/AprilWie bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Thurgau — Kanton Thurgau Wappen des Kantons Thurgau Basisdaten Hauptort: Frauenfeld Fläche: 991 km² (Rang 12) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kanton Thurgau — Wappen Basisdaten Staat: Schweiz … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stirgess — This interesting surname is derived from the Old Norse personal name Thorgils, composed of the divine name Thor, the name of the god of thunder in Scandinavian mythology, plus gils , hostage, pledge. However, the inorganic initial S is not easily … Surnames reference
Sturges — This interesting surname is derived from the Old Norse personal name Thorgils, composed of the divine name Thor, the name of the god of thunder in Scandinavian mythology, plus gils , hostage, pledge. However, the inorganic initial S is not easily … Surnames reference
Sturgis — This interesting surname is derived from the Old Norse personal name Thorgils, composed of the divine name Thor, the name of the god of thunder in Scandinavian mythology, plus gils , hostage, pledge. However, the inorganic initial S is not easily … Surnames reference
Turgoose — This interesting surname is derived from the Old Norse personal name Thorgils, composed of the divine name Thor, the name of the god of thunder in Scandinavian mythology, plus gils , hostage, pledge. However, the inorganic initial S is not easily … Surnames reference
Sturdgess — This interesting surname is derived from the Old Norse personal name Thorgils , composed of the divine name Thor , the name of the God of Thunder in Scandinavian mythology, and gils , hostage, pledge. However, the inorganic initial S is not… … Surnames reference