TOGNAZZI (U.) — Ugo TOGNAZZI 1922 1990 Ugo Tognazzi est né à Crémone. Après avoir fait ses débuts cinématographiques en 1950 dans I Cadetti di Guascogna de Mario Mattoli, il met la verve, le sens du comique et l’expérience acquise depuis 1944 dans les théâtres… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Tognazzi — Tognazzi, Ugo … Enciclopedia Universal
Tognazzi — [tɔɲ ɲatsi], Ugo, italienischer Filmschauspieler, * Cremona 23. 3. 1922, ✝ Rom 27. 10. 1990; kam 1950 zum Film, wo er in komischen Rollen hervortrat; führte auch Regie. Filme: Die Bienenkönigin (1963); Das große Fressen (1973); Ein Käfig… … Universal-Lexikon
Tognazzi, Ugo — (1922 1990) Actor. A popular actor who appeared in over 140 films in a career that spanned three decades, Tognazzi began working in amateur theater in his teens and continued to hone his stage skills by entertaining troops while doing his… … Guide to cinema
Tognazzi, Ugo — (1922 1990) Actor. A popular actor who appeared in over 140 films in a career that spanned three decades, Tognazzi began working in amateur theater in his teens and continued to hone his stage skills by entertaining troops while doing his… … Historical dictionary of Italian cinema
Tognazzi, Ricky — (1955 ) Actor and director. Son of veteran actor Ugo Tognazzi, Ricky made his first appearance in films at the age of eight, playing his father s son in one of the episodes of Dino Risi s I mostri (15 from Rome, 1963). He subsequently studied… … Guide to cinema
Tognazzi, Ricky — (1955 ) Actor and director. Son of veteran actor Ugo Tognazzi, Ricky made his first appearance in films at the age of eight, playing his father s son in one of the episodes of Dino Risi s I mostri (15 from Rome, 1963). He subsequently studied… … Historical dictionary of Italian cinema
Tognazzi, Ugo — • ТОНЬЯ ЦЦИ (Tognazzi) Уго (р. 23.3.1922) итал. актёр. С 1945 выступал на эстраде, в ревю, в т ре. В кино с 1950. Играл в незначит, комедиях, повторяя созданную им на эстраде комедийную маску глуповатого парня, не лишённого хитрости. Первую… … Кино: Энциклопедический словарь
ТОНЬЯ́ЦЦИ (Tognazzi) Уго — (Tognazzi) Уго (1922–90), итал. актёр. Выступал на эстраде, в ревю, театре. Один из наиб. известных актёров комедийного кино; играл также трагикомич. и мелодрам. роли, в нек рых из них поднимался до подлинного трагизма. Снимался в ф.: Поход… … Биографический словарь
Tognazzi, Ugo — ► (1922 90) Actor y director cinematográfico italiano. Supo encarnar al hombre medio italiano. Películas: Una esposa americana (1964) y Una cuestión de honor (1965), entre otras … Enciclopedia Universal