

Barrymore ist der Name der Mitglieder der Schauspielerfamilie Barrymore:

Ort in den Vereinigten Staaten:

  • Barrymore (Idaho)
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  • Barrymore — is a surname and may refer to:*Barrymore s, a nightclub in Ottawa, Ontario *Barrymore family of American actors *Earl of Barrymore, a title in the Kingdom of Ireland dating to 1622 * Barrymore (play) , a one man show starring Christopher Plummer… …   Wikipedia

  • Barrymore's — is a nightclub and concert venue in Ottawa, Ontario. The club was first opened in 1978, in the city s former Imperial Theatre on Bank Street. It was considered one of Canada s most important music venues in the 1980s, playing host to concerts by… …   Wikipedia

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  • Barrymore —   [ bærɪmɔː],    1) Ethel, eigentlich E. Blythe [blaɪθ], amerikanische Bühnen und Filmschauspielerin, * Philadelphia 15. 8. 1879, ✝ Los Angeles 18. 6. 1959, Schwester von 2) und 3); hatte großen Erfolg in »Nur das einsame Herz« (1944), »Die… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Barrymore — [bar′ə môr΄, ber′ə môr] 1. Ethel 1879 1959; U.S. actress: sister of John 2. John 1882 1942; U.S. actor 3. Lionel 1878 1954; U.S. actor: brother of John 4. Maurice (born Herbert Blythe) 1847 1905; U.S. actor: father of Ethel, John, & Lionel …   English World dictionary

  • Barrymore — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Barrymore est un nom de famille et peut être lié à : Barrymore s, une discothèque d Ottawa (Ontario) La famille Barrymore de personnalités du cinéma… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Barrymore — noun 1. United States actor; son of Maurice Barrymore and Georgiana Barrymore (1882 1942) • Syn: ↑John Barrymore • Instance Hypernyms: ↑actor, ↑histrion, ↑player, ↑thespian, ↑role player 2. United States a …   Useful english dictionary

  • Barrymore — family containing some of America’s best beloved actors (Lionel, Ethel, John children of Maurice and Georgiana Barrymore) actual surname was Blythe …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • Barrymore (play) — Barrymore is a one person play by William Luce which depicts John Barrymore a few months before his death in 1942 rehearsing a revival of his 1920 Broadway triumph as Richard III.Barrymore s attempted revival of his Richard III never actually… …   Wikipedia

  • Barrymore Plus Four (radio show) — Barrymore Plus Four was a short lived radio programme that aired from February 1995 March 1995. There were 8 half hour episodes and it was broadcast on BBC Radio 2. It starred Michael Barrymore, Susie Blake, Robert Glendister, Harry Enfield, and… …   Wikipedia

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