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  • Warsaw Stock Exchange - WSE — The largest stock exchange in eastern Europe, located in Warsaw Poland. Trading started on April 16, 1991, and the exchange ballooned to a market capitalization of approximately $200 billion (EUR) in six years. Instruments such as shares, bonds… …   Investment dictionary

  • Wsewolod I. Jaroslawitsch — Wsẹwolod I. Jaroslạwitsch,   Vsẹvolod I. Jaroslạvič [ tʃ], Großfürst von Kiew (seit 1078), * 1030, ✝ 13. 4. 1093; Sohn Jaroslaws des Weisen, erhielt nach dessen Tod Perejaslaw, Rostow, Susdal und Beloosero. Nach dem Tod seiner Brüder, mit… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Warsaw Stock Exchange — WSE The major securities market of Poland. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

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