- Wilfrid Dyson Hambly
Wilfrid Dyson Hambly (* 1886) war ein auf Schwarzafrika spezialisierter US-amerikanischer Ethnologe und Anthropologe.
Eines seiner Hauptwerke behandelt den Tanz und die soziale Entwicklung in Stammesgesellschaften.
Hambly war "Assistant Curator" für Afrikanische Ethnologie am Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.
- The History of tattooing and its significance: With some account of other forms of corporal marking. - London: Witherby, 1925
- Tribal Dancing and social development. - London: Witherby, 1926
- Origins of education among primitive peoples : a comparative study in racial development. With a pref. by Charles Hose. - London : Macmillan, 1926
- "The Flexibility of Methodology", American Anthropologist, New Series, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1929), pp. 816-819
- Berthold Laufer, Wilfrid D. Hambly, Ralph Linton: Tobacco and its Use in Africa. Chicago Field Museum of Natural History 1930 (Discusses and illustrates pipes, snuff containers, and related objects from sub-Saharan Africa. Includes a chapter on the use of tobacco in Madagascar.)
- Culture areas of Nigeria. Chicago Field Museum of Natural History, Publication 346, Anthropology Series, Vol. XXI, No. 3. 1935
- Primitive Hunters of Australia. (= Anthropology Leaflet 32). Field Museum of Natural History Chicago 1936
- Source Book for African anthropology. - Chicago : Field Museum of Natural History, 1937 (2 Bände)
- Raymond Codrington: Wilfrid D. Hambly and Sub-Saharan Africa research at the Field Museum, 1928-1953. In Curators, Collectors and Contexts: Anthropology at the Field Museum, 1893-2002, ed. S. Nash and G. Feinman, Fieldiana: Anthropology, n.s., 36. Chicago: Field Museum of Natural History 2003
W. D. Hambly, Wilfrid D. Hambly
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