World Series of Poker 1995

World Series of Poker 1995

Die World Series of Poker 1995 (WSOP) fand in Binions Horseshoe statt.


Turnier Sieger Preis Zweiter
$1.500 Limit Texas Holdem Christian Van Hees $315.000 Eli Balas
$1.500 Seven Card Stud Valter Farina $144.600 Stavros Karabinas
$1.500 Limit Omaha Berry Johnston $91.200 Daniel Bakker
$1.500 Chinese poker John Tsagaris $41.400 Bruce Cohen
$1.500 Seven Card Stud High/Low Rod Peate $127.200 Steve Hohn
$1.500 Razz Mickey Sisskind $82.800 Leroy Baca
$1.500 Omaha High/Low Max Stern $140.400 Cong Do
$1.500 No Limit Hold'em Richard Klaiman $205.875 Byron "Cowboy" Wolford
$1.500 Pot Limit Omaha Phil "Doc" Earle $143.400 Ron Graham
$1.500 Pot Limit Hold'em Peter Vilandos $148.500 Mick Cook
$5.000 Deuce to Seven Triple Draw John Bonetti $101.250 Johnny Chan
$2.500 Seven Card Stud High/Low Men Nguyen $96.000 Steve Nixon
$2.500 Omaha High/Low Marlon De Los Santos $119.000 Jim Douglas
$1.500 Ace to Five Triple Draw Clifford Roof $81.600 Tony Bolton
$5.000 Chinese poker Steve Zolotow $112.500 Doyle Brunson
$2.500 Limit Hold'em Men Nguyen $186.000 Carl McKelvey
$2.500 Seven Card Stud Dan Robison $140.000 John Spadavecchia
$2.500 Pot Limit Omaha Hilbert Shirey $137.000 Phil Mazzella
$2.500 Pot Limit Hold'em Hilbert Shirey $163.000 Tom Jacobs
$5.000 Seven Card Stud Anthony DeAngelo $130.000 T. J. Cloutier
$2.500 No Limit Hold'em Dan Harrington $249.000 John Gordon
$5.000 Limit Hold'em Mickey Appleman $234.000 Humberto Brenes
$1.000 Ladies' Seven Card Stud Starla Brodie $35.200 Karen Wolfson


273 Personen nahmen am Hauptturnier teil. Das Eintrittsgeld betrug 10.000 $.


Platz Name Preis
1. Dan Harrington $1.000.000
2. Howard Goldfarb $519.000
3. Brent Carter $302.250
4. Hamid Dastmalchi $173.000
5. Barbara Enright $114.180
6. Chuck Thompson $86.500

Die Sieghand von Dan Harrington war 9 8.

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