BELISARIUS — Iustiniani Imperatoris Dux, Graecus; Persas sub Mithridate Rege in Oriente vicit, Vandalos in Africa, ductô in triumpho Gilismere, sicque Africam a 170. an. ab Imperio revulsam, ei iterum adiunxit. Gotthos in Italia, captô Vitige Rege eôque cum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Belisarius — [bel΄ə ser′ē əs] A.D. 505? 565; Byzantine general under Justinian I … English World dictionary
Belisarius — Flavius Belisarius ( el. Βελισάριος) (505(?) – 565) was one of the greatest generals of the Byzantine Empire and one of the most acclaimed generals in history. He was instrumental to Emperor Justinian I s ambitious project of reconquering much of … Wikipedia
Belisarius — (c. 500 c. 565) Leading general and loyal supporter of Justinian for more than forty years, Belisarius fought numerous campaigns against the Persians, the Vandals in Africa, and the Goths in Italy. Completely loyal to Justinian throughout his… … Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe
Belisarius — /bel euh sair ee euhs/, n. A.D. 505? 565, general of the Eastern Roman Empire. * * * born с 505, Germania, Illyria? died March 565 Byzantine general. While serving in the bodyguard of Emperor Justinian I, he was appointed (с 525) to command in… … Universalium
Belisarius Productions — is a television production company based in Los Angeles. [] Their production credits include Quantum Leap, Navy NCIS, and Magnum, P.I. [] , serving as… … Wikipedia
BELISARIUS Ludovicus — vide Ludovicus … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Belisarius series — The Belisarius Series is an epic fictional saga of heroic scope in the alternate history and military history sub genres of science fiction with its protagonist being the real historical figure, the Byzantine general, Flavius Belisarius (505… … Wikipedia
Belisarius xambeui — Belisarius xambeui … Wikipédia en Français
Belisarius — biographical name circa 505 565 Byzantine general … New Collegiate Dictionary