- Xerolenta obvia
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Xerolenta obvia — Taxobox | name = Xerolenta obvia status = NE regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Gastropoda ordo = Pulmonata familia = Hygromiidae genus = Xerolenta species = X. obvia binomial = Xerolenta obvia binomial authority = (Menke, 1828)… … Wikipedia
Weiße Heideschnecke — (Xerolenta obvia) Systematik Unterordnung: Landlungenschnecken (Stylommatophora) Überfamilie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Helicellinae — Heideschnecken Weiße Heideschnecke (Xerolenta obvia) Systematik Überordnung: Heterobranchia … Deutsch Wikipedia
Heideschnecken — Weiße Heideschnecke (Xerolenta obvia) Systematik Überordnung: Heterobranchia Ordnung … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of molluscs recorded in Bulgaria — There are many species of molluscs living in the wild in Bulgaria.ystematic listGastropodaHydrobiidae * Bythinella austriaca (von Frauenfeld, 1857) * Bythinella hansboetersi Glöer Pešić, 2006 [Glöer P. Pešić V., 2006: Bythinella hansboetersi n.… … Wikipedia
List of molluscs recorded in Poland — There is around 260 species of molluscs living in the wild in Poland. ystematic listList is in zoological order. The Polish name is in brackets.The source for the non marine species on this list is: [http://www.gnm.se/gnm/clecom/eng… … Wikipedia
Список моллюсков Польши — Содержание 1 Брюхоногие 2 Двустворчатые 3 См. также 4 Ссылки … Википедия
List of molluscs recorded in the Czech Republic — There are 243 species of molluscs living in the wild in the Czech Republic. In addition there are at least 11 gastropod species in greenhouses.There are 215 gastropod species (50 freshwater and 165 land species) and 28 bivalve species living in… … Wikipedia
List of molluscs recorded in Slovakia — There are 254 (according this list, for more recent information see Recommended literature section) species of molluscs living in the wild in Slovakia. In addition there are at least 1 gastropod species in greenhouses.There are 228 species of… … Wikipedia
Dicrocoelium — Kleiner Leberegel Kleiner Leberegel (Dicrocoelium dendriticum) Systematik Überstamm: Urmünder (Protostomia) … Deutsch Wikipedia