Benacerraf — is a family name that may refer to:* Baruj Benacerraf (b. 1920) – immunologist * Paul Benacerraf – philosopher * Margot Benacerraf (b. 1926) – film director … Wikipedia
Benacerraf — [benə serɑːf], Barju, amerikanischer Mediziner venezolanischer Herkunft, * Caracas 29. 10. 1920; 1958 68 Professor in New York, seit 1970 an der Harvard Medical School in Boston (Massachusetts) tätig. Benacerraf beschäftigt sich mit der… … Universal-Lexikon
Benacerraf — Baruj … Scientists
Benacerraf — Benacerraf, Baruj … Enciclopedia Universal
Benacerraf — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Baruj Benacerraf (1920 2011), immunologiste américain et prix nobel de médecine en 1980, frère de Paul, Margot Benacerraf (née en 1926),… … Wikipédia en Français
BENACERRAF, BARUJ — (1920– ), physician and Nobel Prize laureate in medicine. Benacerraf was born in Caracas, Venzuela. He moved to the United States in 1939 and graduated in science from Columbia University, New York, in 1942 and in medicine from the Medical School … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Benacerraf, Baruj — ▪ American immunologist born Oct. 29, 1920, Caracas, Venezuela Venezuelan born American pathologist and immunologist who shared (with George Snell (Snell, George Davis) and Jean Dausset (Dausset, Jean)) the 1980 Nobel Prize for Physiology or… … Universalium
Benacerraf , Baruj — (1920–) American immunologist Benacerraf, who was born in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas, was brought up in France but moved to America in 1940, becoming naturalized in 1943. He studied at Columbia and the University of Virginia where he… … Scientists
Benacerraf — biographical name Baruj 1920 American (Venezuelan born) pathologist … New Collegiate Dictionary
Benacerraf, Baruj — ► (n. 1920) Médico venezolano, nacionalizado estadounidense. Fue premio Nobel de Medicina y Fisiología en 1980, compartido con G. Snell y J. Dausset, por sus trabajos sobre inmunología y genética … Enciclopedia Universal