

Berlinghieri ist der Name einer bedeutenden, vorwiegend in Lucca tätigen Malerfamilie

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  • Berlinghieri —   [berliȖ gi̯ɛːri], Berlinghiero, italienischer Maler, * vermutlich Volterra um 1175/80, ✝ Lucca im Februar 1236; seit 1228 nachweisbar ebenda; sein Hauptwerk ist ein für das Kloster Santa Maria degli Angeli in Lucca geschaffenes Kruzifix (um… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • Berlinghieri, Bonaventura — ▪ Italian artist flourished 1235–44       Italian painter from Lucca, Italy, known for his poignant and detailed scenes from the life of St. Francis on the predella (base of the altarpiece) of the Church of San Francesco at Pescia.… …   Universalium

  • Berlinghieri, Berlinghiero — (active c. 1225 bef. 1236).    One of the earliest Italian masters to be known by name. Berlinghiero was from Milan and is documented in Lucca, a banking community near Pisa, in 1225 where he established a family of painters that included his son …   Dictionary of Renaissance art

  • Berlinghieri, Bonaventura — (active 1228 1274)    Italian painter, active in Lucca, the son of Berlinghiero Berlinghieri. Bonaventura is chiefly known for his St. Francis panel in the Church of San Francesco in Pescia, a small town near Lucca. The panel, painted in the… …   Dictionary of Renaissance art

  • Francesco Berlinghieri — (1440 ndash; 1501) was an Italian scholar and humanist who lived during the fifteenth century. He promoted the value of classical Greek learning and was one of the first to print a text based on Ptolemy s Geographica . Berlinghieri studied poetry …   Wikipedia

  • Bonaventura Berlinghieri — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda San Francesco y escenas de su vida, iglesia de San Francesco, Pescia, 1235 Bonaventura Berlinghieri o Bonaventura Berlinghiero (Lucca, 1215 después de 1274) es un pint …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bonaventura Berlinghieri — San Francesco e storie della sua vita, église San Francesco, Pescia Bonaventura Berlinghieri ou Bonaventura Berlinghiero (né vers 1210 à Lucques, en Toscane mort après 1274) est un peintre primitif italien du …   Wikipédia en Français

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