Bessus — (died summer 329 BC) was a Persian nobleman and satrap of Bactria, and later contender king of Persia. According to classical sources, he killed his predecessor, Darius III Codomannus, after the Persian army had been defeated by Alexander the… … Wikipedia
Bessus — Bessus, Satrap von Baktrien, nahm 331 v. Chr. den König Darius III. Kodomannus gefangen, ließ ihn auf der Flucht niederhauen, sich selbst als Artaxerxes IV. zum König ausrufen. 329 wurde er an Alexander d. Gr. ausgeliefert und hingerichtet … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
BESSUS — Bactriane regionis praefectus, Darium interfecit, Diodor. Sic. Regis titulô sumptô. A Spitamene Alexandro traditus est, qui illum fratri Regis occisi, Oxatri, in manus dedit. Quem hic manibus auribusque truncatum cruci affigi, sicque sagittis… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Bessus — Bessos Bessos ou Bessus, satrape de la Bactriane sous Darius III. Après la bataille de Gaugamèles en 331 av. J. C., il assassine Darius dans les confins de la Médie, prend le titre de roi de Perse sous le nom d Artaxerxès et se réfugie en… … Wikipédia en Français
Bessus, S. — S. Bessus, (1. Dec.), Bischof von Ivrea (Eporedia) in Italien. (El.) … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Bessus — ▪ Persian satrap died c. 329 BC Achaemenid satrap (governor) of Bactria and Sogdiana under King Darius III of Persia. In 330, after Alexander the Great had defeated Darius in several major battles, Bessus murdered Darius and assumed the… … Universalium
BESSUS — a satrap of Bactria under Darius, who assassinated his master after the battle of Arbela, but was delivered over by Alexander to Darius s brother, by whom he was put to death, 328 B.C … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
БЕСС — • Bessus, Βη̃σσος, сатрап Бактрии в царствование Дария Кодоманна, взял его, когда он бежал после битвы при Гавгамелах, в плен и провел закованного с собой. Бесс, способный и предприимчивый человек, старавшийся в борьбе с Александром… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
BMCH — Bessus miles cohortis … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
Alexander III — ( the Great ) (356 b.c. 323 b.c.) A Macedonian Greek king who, in the extraordinarily brief period of a decade, conquered all of Mesopotamia, along with Anatolia (or Asia Minor), Egypt, and what is now Afghanistan. Though Alexander s empire… … Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary