Blackfeet — Black feet , n. pl. (Ethn.) A tribe of North American Indians formerly inhabiting the country from the upper Missouri River to the Saskatchewan, but now much reduced in numbers. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Blackfeet — (spr. bläckfīt, »Schwarzfüße«, franz. Pieds noirs), ein zu den Algonkin (s.d.) gehöriger Indianerstamm im nordwestlichen Amerika, im Quellgebiet des Saskatchewan und Missouri, in die eigentlichen B. (Satsikaa, Sitsekai), die Käna (Kena,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Blackfeet — (spr. bläckfiht, »Schwarzfüße«), Indianerzweig der Algonkin im westl. Nordamerika in Reservationen, noch 8300 Köpfe … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Blackfeet — The Piegan Blackfeet ( Aamsskáápipikani (Southern Pikáni /Piegan) or simply as Pikáni in Blackfoot) are a tribe of Native Americans based in Montana. Many members of the tribe currently live as part of the Blackfeet Nation in northwestern Montana … Wikipedia
Blackfeet — n. language of the Blackfeet Indians n. Indian from the Blackfeet tribe (North American Indian tribe) … English contemporary dictionary
Blackfeet — Pikunis Par Edward S. Curtis Les Blackfeet ou Piegan, qui se désignent eux mêmes par le nom de Pikunis, sont une tribu amérindienne blackfoot qui vit actuellement au sein de la Nation Blackfoot, dans le nord ouest du Montana. La population est… … Wikipédia en Français
Blackfeet National Forest — was established by the U.S. Forest Service in Montana on July 1, 1908 with 1,956,340 acres. On June 22, 1935 Blackfeet was divided between Flathead National Forest and Kootenai National Forest, and the name was discontinued.… … Wikipedia
Blackfeet (Algonkin) — Wohngebiet Ehemaliges Stammesgebiet der Blackfoot, heutige Reservation in Montana und Reservate in Alberta, Kanada. Systematik … Deutsch Wikipedia
Blackfeet Indian Reservation — The Blackfeet Indian Reservation or Blackfeet Nation is an Indian reservation of the Blackfeet tribe in Montana in the United States. It is located east of Glacier National Park and borders Canada to the north. Bank Creek and Birch Creek make up… … Wikipedia
Blackfeet Indian Reservation — Sp Juodakójų indėnų rezervãcija Ap Blackfeet Indian Reservation L JAV (Montana) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė