

Blondie ist

Siehe auch:
  • Blondi, die Schäferhündin Adolf Hitlers.
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  • Blondie — Основатели группы Крис Стейн и Дебби Харри в 2008 году …   Википедия

  • Blondie — Blondie, Blondy or Blondi may refer to:* Blondie (band), an American rock band ** Debbie Harry, lead singer of Blondie who is often incorrectly referred to by that name ** Blondie (album), the self titled debut album from Blondie * Blondie (comic …   Wikipedia

  • Blondie — es el nombre de una de las bandas más exitosas y originales de los años setenta, parte de la llamada Nueva Ola, y precedente estético y musical del pop de los ochenta. De origen neoyorquino, iniciaron su andadura musical en 1975 junto a otras… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Blondie — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Blondie est le nom d un groupe pop rock new yorkais fondé dans les années 1970 ; Blondie est le premier album du groupe de rock américain Blondie;… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Blondie — Blondine; Frau mit blonden Haaren; Blondchen (umgangssprachlich) * * * Blondie,   [ blɔndɪ], amerikanische Popgruppe, 1974/75 in New York formiert von Deborah Harry (* Miami 1. 7. 1945; Gesang), Chris Stein (* New York 5. 1. 1950; Gitarre,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Blondie — Blon|die the main female character in the US ↑cartoon strip which is also called Blondie . Blondie is a kind attractive ↑housewife who is always helping her husband Dagwood whenever he does something wrong …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • blondie —    This would normally be addressed to a woman with fair hair, a blonde. One would expect the speaker to be a worker, accosting her as she passed in the street. In Oliver’s Story, by Erich Segal, it is a man who says to another man, very… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • Blondie (film) — Blondie is a 1938 movie directed by Frank Strayer, based on the comic strip of the same name. The screenplay was written by Chic Young and Richard Flournoy. This was the first of 28 films based on the comic strip; Columbia Pictures produced them… …   Wikipedia

  • Blondie (radio) — Blondie was a radio situation comedy adapted from the long run Blondie comic strip by Chic Young. The radio program had a long run on several networks from 1939 to 1950. After Penny Singleton was cast in the title role of the feature film Blondie …   Wikipedia

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