Blue Dog

Blue Dog

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  • Blue Dog — A Blue Dog may be: * A Blue Dog Democrat: a fiscal or economic conservative in the United States Democratic Party * Blue Dog , a painting and a featured icon in various works by George Rodrigue * Blue Dog Records was a London based independent… …   Wikipedia

  • blue dog — melsvasis ryklys statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Prionace glauca angl. blue dog; blue shark; blue whaler; great blue shark rus. большая голубая акула; мокой; синяя акула ryšiai: platesnis terminas –… …   Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas

  • blue-dog — A conservative Democrat who tends to vote with the Republican party. Also known as blue dog Democrats. The blue dogs are such foreign policy conservatives they can always be counted on to vote with the Republicans on defence issues …   Dictionary of american slang

  • blue-dog — A conservative Democrat who tends to vote with the Republican party. Also known as blue dog Democrats. The blue dogs are such foreign policy conservatives they can always be counted on to vote with the Republicans on defence issues …   Dictionary of american slang

  • blue dog — noun 1. : smooth dogfish 2. : sand skark a * * * Blue Dog U.S. any of a group of Democrats in the House of Representatives who are conservative, particularly in fiscal matters, and who often vote with the Republicans. Organized after the 1994… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Blue Dog Pict — fuses rock, jazz, Cabaret, performance art, glam, ambient electronica and alternative sensibilities together to form what some compared to Pink Floyd, Rush and My Bloody Valentine.Led by frontman actor/multi media artist Keram Malicki Sanchez,… …   Wikipedia

  • Blue Dog Democrat — Blue Dog Democrats nennen sich gesellschaftspolitisch moderat konservativ (social conservative) eingestellte Abgeordnete der Demokratischen Partei in den Vereinigten Staaten. Im Repräsentantenhaus ist diese Gruppe als echte innerparteiliche… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Blue Dog Democrats — nennen sich gesellschaftspolitisch moderat konservativ (social conservative) eingestellte Abgeordnete der Demokratischen Partei in den Vereinigten Staaten. Im Repräsentantenhaus ist diese Gruppe als echte innerparteiliche Koalition organisiert.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Blue Dog Records — Blue Dog Records, although an independent record label, was affiliated to Branson’s V2 and was active in the 90’s with a mostly guitar band roster of artists including ‘The Crocketts’, Daytona , Contempo , Shit, only ten minutes to get to Ledbury …   Wikipedia

  • Blue (dog) — Blue is a Bull Terrier owned by hockey legend Don Cherry. [ [ Blue and Cherry] ] Blue often starred in Cherry s annual series of hockey videos called Rock em Sock em .References …   Wikipedia

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