Applicability Statement 1 (AS1) ist ein Standard über einen gesicherten Datentransport per E-Mail unter Ausnutzung des SMTP-Protokolls. Es ist detailliert beschrieben in RFC 3335.

Mit AS1 werden meist Nachrichten für Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) übertragen.


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  • AS1 — or AS 1 may refer to:* ActionScript version 1 * AS1 (networking) * Raduga KS 1 Komet, a missile referred to as the AS 1 Kennel by the West …   Wikipedia

  • AS1 (networking) — Autonomous System Number 1 on the Internet s BGP routing system. It was originally held by Bolt, Beranek and Newman, later known as BBN Planet. This was later GTE and later Genuity. It is currently held by Level 3 Communications, which now uses… …   Wikipedia

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  • DLG2-AS1 — DLG2 antisense RNA (non protein coding) Identifiers Symbols DLG2AS; PSZA11q14 External IDs GeneCards …   Wikipedia

  • as — as1 W1S1 [əz strong æz] prep, adv [: Old English; Origin: eallswa; ALSO] 1.) used when you are comparing two people, things, situations etc as ... as ▪ Tom s not as old as you, is he? ▪ an old woman with hair as white as snow ▪ Some of the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • as — as1 /az/; unstressed /euhz/, adv. 1. to the same degree, amount, or extent; similarly; equally: I don t think it s as hot and humid today as it was yesterday. 2. for example; for instance: Some flowers, as the rose, require special care. 3.… …   Universalium

  • As — Ạs1 I 〈n.; , ; Mus.〉 Tonbez., das um einen halben Ton erniedrigte A II 〈Mus.; Abk. für〉 = As Dur (Tonartbez.) As2 1. 〈Abk. für〉 Amperesekunde 2. 〈chem. Zeichen für〉 Arsen Ạs3 I 〈alte Schreibung für〉 …   Universal-Lexikon

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