

Bonfils ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

  • Félix Bonfils (18311885), französischer Fotograf
  • Frederick Gilmer Bonfils (18601933), US-amerikanischer Zeitungsverleger
  • Immanuel ben Jacob Bonfils (um 13001377), Physikus, Mathematiker und Astronom
  • Jean Marie Louis Bonfils SMA (* 1930), Altbischof von Nizza
  • Joseph ben Samuel Bonfils (11. Jahrhundert), Rabbi von Limoges
  • Khan Bonfils, Schauspieler
  • Kjeld Bonfils (19181984), dänischer Jazzpianist
  • Marc Bonfils, Permakulturist
  • Winifred Bonfils (18631936), US-amerikanische Reporterin
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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • Bonfils — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Bonfils est un nom propre, utilisé comme prénom ou patronyme. Sommaire 1 Bonfils comme prénom 2 Bonfi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • BONFILS (Tov Elem), JOSEPH BEN SAMUEL — (11th century), the first French scholar about whom more than his name is known; called by Rashi s disciples R. Joseph the Great. A contemporary and colleague of R. Elijah the Elder of Le Mans, he was born in Narbonne, but lived at Limoges and at …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • BONFILS, IMMANUEL BEN JACOB — (14th century), of Tarascon (in Provence, France), mathematician and astronomer. He is chiefly known for his astronomical tables called Shesh Kenafayim ( Six Wings – cf. Isa. 6:2) which were written in Hebrew about 1365 and which were… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • BONFILS (Tov Elem), JOSEPH BEN ELIEZER — (second half of the 14th century), author of a supercommentary on the biblical commentary of abraham ibn ezra . Joseph was born in Spain and journeyed to the East. In damascus , in 1370, at the request of the nagid David b. Joshua he wrote a… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bonfils, Frederick Gilmer — ▪ American publisher born December 21, 1860, Troy, Missouri, U.S. died February 2, 1933, Denver, Colorado  publisher who made the Denver Post into a crusading newspaper of nationwide prominence in the United States.       Bonfils entered the U.S …   Universalium

  • Bonfils, Joseph ben Samuel (Tov Elem; Tuv Elem) — (fl. 11 th cent)    French talmudist. He was born in Narbonne and lived at Limoges and Anjou. He wrote religious poems, biblical and talmudic commentaries, and codifications of Jewish law …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Félix Bonfils — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bonfils. Félix Bonfils Nationalité Français Profession …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Félix Bonfils — He was born on 8 March 1831 in St. Hippotyte du Fort and died in Alès in 1885. He and his family moved to Beirut in 1867 where they opened a photographic studio called Maison Bonfils , which became F. Bonfils et Cie in 1878. Bonfils took… …   Wikipedia

  • Frederick Gilmer Bonfils — (December 21 1860–February 2 1933), U.S. publisher who made the Denver Post into one of the largest newspapers in the United States.Staff report (February 3, 1933). F. G. BONFILS DEAD; VETERAN EDITOR; Built The Denver Post Into One of the Largest …   Wikipedia

  • Félix Bonfils — Foto de un árabe con pipa, × Félix Bonfils, fines 1800s Félix Bonfils fue un fotógrafo y escritor francés, que fue activo en el Oriente Medio. Nace el 8 de marzo 1831 en Saint Hippolyte du Fort y fallece en Alès en 1885. Con su familia se mudan a …   Wikipedia Español

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