

Bragaglia ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

  • Anton Giulio Bragaglia (18901960), italienischer Künstler
  • Arturo Bragaglia (18931962), italienischer Schauspieler
  • Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia (18941998), italienischer Filmregisseur
  • Leonardo Bragaglia (* 1932), italienischer Theaterschaffender
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  • Bragaglia, Carlo Ludovico — (1894 1998)    Photographer, screenwriter, theater and film director. Son of the first managing director of the Cines, Francesco Bragaglia, and brother of writer and director Anton Giulio and painter Alberto, Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia nurtured a… …   Historical dictionary of Italian cinema

  • Bragaglia, Anton Giulio — (1890 1960)    Photographer, journalist, writer, film and theater director. Brother of photographer and director Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia, Anton Giulio began working as a journalist in Rome in 1906 when his father, Francesco, was managing… …   Guide to cinema

  • Bragaglia, Anton Giulio — (1890 1960)    Photographer, journalist, writer, film and theater director. Brother of photographer and director Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia, Anton Giulio began working as a journalist in Rome in 1906 when his father, Francesco, was managing… …   Historical dictionary of Italian cinema

  • Bragaglia, Anton Giulio — (Frosinone 1890 Roma 1960) saggista, regista cinematografico e fotografo, esponente del movimento futurista collab./opere: “Circoli”, “Il Dramma” …   Dizionario biografico elementare del Novecento letterario italiano

  • Anton Giulio Bragaglia — Born February 11, 1890 Frosinone, Lazio Died July 15, 1960 Rome Anton Giulio Bragaglia (February 11, 1890 – July 15, 1960) was a pioneer in Italian Futurist photography and Futurist cinema. A versati …   Wikipedia

  • Anton Giulio Bragaglia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El violonchelista Anton Giulio Bragaglia nació el 11 de febrero de 1890 y murió el 15 de julio de 1960. Fue pionero en la fotografía italiana futurista y en el cine en Italia. Era un versátil e intelectual artista,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia — (* 8. Juli 1894 in Frosinone; † 4. Januar 1998 in Capri) war ein italienischer Filmregisseur und Drehbuchautor. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Filmografie (Auswahl) 3 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia — (July 8, 1894 ndash; January 4, 1998) was an Italian film director whose career spanned from the 1930s to the mid 1960s. His prime forte was adventure pictures, and he is mainly remembered in his native Italy for a string of popular comedies… …   Wikipedia

  • Anton Giulio Bragaglia — (* 11. Februar 1890 in Frosinone; † 15. Juli 1960 in Rom) war ein italienischer Künstler des Futurismus, der sich vor allem den Bereichen Fotografie, Film und Bühnenbild widmete. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Literatur 3 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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