

Acey ist

  • der Name einer ehemaligen Zisterzienserabtei und eines gegenwärtigen Trappistensklosters in der Gemeinde Vitreux, siehe Kloster Acey

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  • Acey — This is a surname of pre 8th century baptismal origins. Recorded in a wide a variety of surname spellings, all quite rare, and including Ace, Ayce, Acey, Asee, Asey, etc., the derivation is from the Norman French given name Ace , itself a… …   Surnames reference

  • Acey-deucey — is a variant of backgammon. Since World War I, it has been a favorite game of the United States Navy, Marine Corps, and Merchant Marine. [ cite web|url= American.html |title=Backgammon Variants: American… …   Wikipedia

  • Acey Slade — Datos generales Nombre real Acey Slade Nacimiento 15 de diciembre, 1975 (35 años) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Acey Slade — Acey Slade, né le 15 décembre 1974 en Pennsylvanie, aux États Unis, est un guitariste et chanteur américain. Il commence sa carrière en 1995 avec le groupe Vampire Love Dolls, mélange d indus et de glam punk, où il chante et joue de la guitare… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Acey Deucey (cards) — Acey Deucey (In Between) is a simple card game that involves betting. Before the action, each player must add their ante into the pot. Two cards are then dealt face up to one player. That player then bets from nothing to the amount that is in the …   Wikipedia

  • acey-deucey — [ās′ē do͞os′ē] n. 〚/span> ACE + DEUCE1〛 a variation of the game of backgammon, in which the throw of a 1 and a 2 has special value: also sp. acey deucy * * * …   Universalium

  • acey-deucey — [ās′ē do͞os′ē] n. [< ACE + DEUCE1] a variation of the game of backgammon, in which the throw of a 1 and a 2 has special value: also sp. acey deucy …   English World dictionary

  • Acey Slade — Acey Slade, (born Emil Smith on December 15, 1974 in Downingtown/West Chester, Pennsylvania, United States), was the lead vocalist and guitarist in the punk rock band Trashlight Vision, which broke up September 12, 2007. Slade also played guitar… …   Wikipedia

  • Acey Abbey — is a Cistercian abbey founded in 1136 by Renaud III, located in the commune of Vitreux, in the Jura département , in also* Aiguebelle Abbey * List of Cistercian abbeys in France …   Wikipedia

  • Acey Deucey — bezeichnet: eine Backgammon Variante einen Zweitnamen für das Casinospiel Red Dog Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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