

Anatolia bezeichnet:

weitere Schreibweisen sind Anatolie, Anatolij und Anatolio.

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  • Anatolia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Foto satelital de Anatolia …   Wikipedia Español

  • Anatolia — (del griego: anatholé: oriente) o Asia Menor es una península emplazada en el Medio Oriente, ocupada actualmente por Turquía es su parte asiática. Limita al norte con el Mar Negro, al este con las cadenas montañosas del Tauro y el Antitauro, al… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Anatolia — ancient name of Asia Minor, from M.L. Anatolia, from Gk. anatole the east, originally sunrise (which of course happens in the east), lit. a rising above (the horizon), from anatellein to rise, from ana up (see ANA (Cf. ana )) + tellein to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Anatolia, St. — Anatolia, St., röm. Jungfrau und Christin, unter Decius gemartert; Gedächtnißtag 9. Juli …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • ANATOLIA — Gall. ANATOLIE et NATOLIE, pars Asiae, aliter Asia minor. Aliis, praeter Asiam minorem, Capadociam, Galatiam, Paphlagoniam, Pontum, Bithyniam, Lyciam, Paphyliam et Ciliciam continet. Quidquid nempe inter Pontum Euxinum et mare Mediterraneum quod… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Anatolia — [an΄ə tō′lē ə] 1. Obs. Asia Minor 2. the part of modern Turkey that is in Asia …   English World dictionary

  • Anatolia — /an euh toh lee euh/, n. a vast plateau between the Black and the Mediterranean seas: in ancient usage, synonymous with the peninsula of Asia Minor; in modern usage, applied to Turkey in Asia. Cf. Asia Minor. * * * or Asia Minor Turkish Anadolu… …   Universalium

  • Anatolia — For other uses, see Anatolia (disambiguation). For the novel by Felice Picano, see An Asian Minor. Coordinates …   Wikipedia

  • Anatolia —    The large peninsula presently occupied by the nation of Turkey. Throughout much of antiquity, Anatolia (or Asia Minor) was viewed as part of the Near East, what many Greeks and Romans called Asia. And because it lay on the northwestern… …   Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary

  • Anatolia, SS. (1) — 1SS. Anatolia et Audax, MM. (9. Juli). Vom Griech. ἀνατολή = Sonnenaufgang, Orient. – Die hl. Anatolia, Jungfrau und Martyrin zu Thora, einer Stadt Italiens am See Velino, litt mit dem hl. Audax in der decianischen Verfolgung um das Jahr 250. Die …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

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