

Anguier ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

  • Francois Anguier (16041669), französischer Bildhauer
  • Michel Anguier (16121686), französischer Bildhauer
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  • ANGUIER (F. et M.) — ANGUIER FRANÇOIS (1604 1669) & MICHEL (1612 1686) Élève de Simon Guillain, François Anguier demeure un représentant quelque peu attardé des traditions artisanales de la maîtrise, avant que l’Académie ne vienne organiser et définir les grandes… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Anguier — Anguier, Michel André …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Anguier —   [ã gje],    1) François, französischer Bildhauer, * Eu (Département Seine Maritime) 1604, ✝ Paris 9. 8. 1669, Bruder von 2); arbeitete in England und zwei Jahre in Rom, schuf etwas schwerfällig wirkende Grabbauten im Stil der italienischen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Anguier, Michel — ▪ French sculptor born c. 1613, Eu, France died July 11, 1686, Paris       French sculptor who produced decorations for tombs, churches, palaces, and public monuments.       Anguier began working as a sculptor in Eu, France, and later traveled to …   Universalium

  • Anguier, François — ▪ French sculptor born c. 1604, Eu, France died Aug. 8, 1669, Paris       French sculptor who produced gisants (gisant) and decorations for tombs, churches, palaces, and public monuments.       Anguier began his training in France and, about 1641 …   Universalium

  • Anguier, Michel — (1612 1686)    sculptor    Born in Eu, Michel Anguier was the brother of the sculptor François anguier and, like him, studied with the noted sculptor simon guillain. He then spent 10 years in Rome, where he studied in particular with D Algardi.… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Anguier, François — (1604 1669)    sculptor    Born in Eu, François Anguier studied with the leading sculptor, simon guillain, then traveled to Rome (1641 43), where he observed the works of the italian baroque masters. Returning to France, he worked at decorating… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Anguier — /ahonn gyay /, n. François /frddahonn swann /, 1604 69, and his brother Michel /mee shel /, 1614 86, French sculptors. * * * …   Universalium

  • ANGUIER —    the name of two famous French sculptors in the 17th century …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Anguier — /ahonn gyay /, n. François /frddahonn swann /, 1604 69, and his brother Michel /mee shel /, 1614 86, French sculptors …   Useful english dictionary

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