Cabrini — [kə brē′nē] Saint Frances Xavier (1850 1917); U.S. nun, born in Italy: first U.S. citizen canonized: her day is Dec. 22: called Mother Cabrini … English World dictionary
Cabrini — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Patronyme Cabrini est un nom de famille d origine italienne notamment porté par : Antonio Cabrini (né en 1957), était un footballeur italien.… … Wikipédia en Français
Cabrini — biographical name Saint Frances Xavier 1850 1917 Mother Cabrini 1st American citizen canonized (1946) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Cabrini — /keuh bree nee/; It. /kah brddee nee/, n. Saint Frances Xavier ( Mother Cabrini ), 1850 1917, U.S. nun, born in Italy; founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. * * * … Universalium
Cabrini — Ca|bri|ni, St Fran|ces Xa|vi|er also Mother Cabrini (1850 1917) a Roman Catholic ↑nun (=a member of a group of religious women) , who was born in Italy but lived in the US, and who built schools, hospitals, and ↑convents (=buildings where nuns… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Cabrini — Ca•bri•ni [[t]kəˈbri ni[/t]] n. big Saint Frances Xavier (“Mother Cabrini”), 1850–1917, U.S. nun, born in Italy; founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus … From formal English to slang
Cabrini — /keuh bree nee/; It. /kah brddee nee/, n. Saint Frances Xavier ( Mother Cabrini ), 1850 1917, U.S. nun, born in Italy; founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus … Useful english dictionary
Cabrini Medical Center — Cabrini Medical Center … Wikipedia
Cabrini Boulevard (Manhattan) — Cabrini Boulevard spans the the Manhattan neighborhood of Hudson Heights, running from 177th Street in the south, near the George Washington Bridge, to Fort Tryon Park in the north, along an escarpment of Manhattan schist overlooking the Henry… … Wikipedia
Cabrini High School (New Orleans, Louisiana) — Cabrini High School is an all girls parochial high school in New Orleans, Louisiana. Cabrini is part of the New Orleans parochial school system. Its sports team is known as the Crescent and the school colors are green and gold. The campus of… … Wikipedia