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  • Brehaut — Recorded as Brehat, Brehaut, Brehault, Breheret, Brehier, and possibly others, this is French surname but probably of pre 5th century Germanic origins. According to the Dictionnaire Etymologique de France, it probably derives from the personal… …   Surnames reference

  • Ashley Brehaut — (* 18. September 1980 in Ballarat) ist ein australischer Badmintonspieler. Karriere Ashley Brehaut nahm 2004 an Olympia teil. Er startete dabei im Herrendoppel mit Travis Denney und unterlag in der ersten Runde. 2001 hatten beide die Australian… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Stuart Brehaut — Stuart Charles Brehaut (* 24. September 1978 in Ballarat) ist ein australischer Badmintonspieler. Karriere Stuart Brehaut nahm 2004 im Herreneinzel an den Olympischen Spielen teil. Er schied dabei in der ersten Runde aus und wurde somit 17. Bei… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ashley Brehaut — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ashley Brehaut (nacido el 18 de septiembre de 1980) es un jugador de bádminton de Australia. Su entrenador es Ning On Sze, y vive en Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. Brehaut compitió en los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Stanley Brehaut Ryerson — (March 12, 1911 1998) was a Canadian historian, educator, political activist. There is very little information available concerning his parents, but Ryerson was born in 1911, into a well off middle class family in Toronto. Ryerson could trace his …   Wikipedia

  • Greg Brehaut — is a former Australian rules footballer who played 157 games for Perth in the WANFL during the 1960s and early 1970s.Brehaut, a physically aggressive wingman, was with Perth from 1965 to 1973. Over this time he was part of a strong Perth side and …   Wikipedia

  • Stanley Bréhaut Ryerson — Stanley Ryerson Brehaut (12 mars 1911 1998) était un historien canadien, enseignant et activiste politique. Il y a très peu d informations disponibles concernant ses parents, mais Ryerson est né en 1911, dans une famille de classe moyenne à… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Stuart Brehaut — (nacido el 24 de septiembre de 1978) es un jugador de bádminton de Australia. Brehaut jugó en los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas 2004 en la modalidad de individual masculino, perdiendo en primera ronda contra Lee Hyun il de Corea del Sur Véase… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Stuart Brehaut — (born September 24, 1978) is a badminton player from Australia. Brehaut played badminton at the 2004 Summer Olympics in men s singles, losing comprehensively in the first round to Lee Hyun il of Korea 15 3 15 2. He is currently coaching the top… …   Wikipedia

  • Ashley Brehaut — (born 18 September 1980) is a male badminton player from Australia. His coach is Ning On Sze, and he lives in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.Brehaut competed in badminton at the 2004 Summer Olympics in men s doubles with partner Travis Denney.… …   Wikipedia

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