Denge — The acoustic mirrors at Denge. Left to right, the 200 foot, 20 foot and 30 foot mirrors. Denge is a former Royal Air Force site near Dungeness, in Kent, England. It is best known for the early experimental acoustic mirrors which remain there. The … Wikipedia
denge — is. 1) Bir nesnenin veya bir insanın devrilmeden durma hâli, muvazene, balans 2) Zihinsel ve duygusal uyum, istikrar Ruhsal denge. 3) Siyasi güçlerin, yetkilerin birbirini sınırlayacak biçimde dağıtılması 4) Ekonomik hayatın uyumlu düzeni 5) fiz … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
Denge — This name, with variant spellings Dungey, Dungee and Dunguy, is of English locational origin from a place in Kent called Dunge (or Denge). Recorded as Denge in the 1292 Assize Court Rolls of that county the name derives from the Olde English pre… … Surnames reference
Denge Wood — Chalk grassland and shrubland at Bonsai Bank in Denge Wood Denge Wood is a wood located 8 miles southwest of Canterbury in Kent, England. The wood is owned by the Forestry Commission and the Woodland Trust. Part of the wood is also privately… … Wikipedia
denge kalası — is., sp. Aletli jimnastik dalında kullanılan, 1,20 m yüksekliğinde, 5 m uzunluğunda, 10 cm yürüme yüzeyi olan, piramit biçiminde, iki ayak üzerinde duran, düzgün kalastan yapılmış denge aracı … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
denge — see dyncge … Old to modern English dictionary
denge — denken … Hunsrückisch-Hochdeutsch
denge fiyatı — is., ekon. Piyasalarda arz ve talep miktarlarının eşitlendiği fiyat … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
denge taşı — is., anat. Omurgalıların özellikle de memelilerin iç kulak keseciğinde bulunan kalsiyum tuzu … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
Koma Dengê Azadî — Koma Denge Azadi (Voice of Liberty) was one of the most popular Kurdish music bands [ haberid=1859 ktg=1562] in Turkey. The band was created in 1990 in Istanbul and over the next ten years it became one of the… … Wikipedia