Dollo — Dollo, Louis, belgischer Paläontologe, * Lille 7. 12. 1857, ✝ Uccle 19. 4. 1931; seit 1909 Professor in Brüssel; gilt als Begründer der neuzeitlichen, biologisch ausgerichteten Paläontologie. Er stellte das dollosche Gesetz auf. Werke: Les… … Universal-Lexikon
Dollo — Porté dans les Côtes d Armor, désigne celui qui est originaire de la commune de Dolo, dans le même département, ou d un hameau portant un nom similaire. Sens du toponyme : pluriel de dol (= terre basse, polder). Variantes : Dolo (56), Dolou,… … Noms de famille
Dollo's law of irreversibility — (also known as Dollo s law and Dollo s principle) is a hypothesis proposed in 1893[1] by French born Belgian paleontologist Louis Dollo which states that evolution is not reversible. This hypothesis was first stated by Dollo in this way: An… … Wikipedia
Dollo's law — or Dollo s Principle is a hypothesis proposed by French born Belgian paleontologist Louis Dollo (1857 1931) in 1890 that states that evolution is not reversible. This law was first stated by Dollo in this way: An organism is unable to return,… … Wikipedia
Dollo-Gesetz — [dolo̱...; nach dem belg. Paläontologen u. Zoologen Louis Dollo, 1857 bis 1931]: Irreversibilitätsgesetz (besagt, daß Organe, die einmal phylogenetisch verloren gegangen sind, nie wieder in der ursprünglichen Form angelegt werden; Biol.) … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Dollo’s rule — Dollo’s rule. См. правило Долло. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Dollo's law — ▪ biology biological principle, formulated about 1890 by Louis Dollo, a French born Belgian paleontologist, that evolution is not reversible; i.e., structures or functions discarded during the course of evolution do not reappear in a given… … Universalium
dollo's law — ˈdä(ˌ)lōz noun Usage: usually capitalized D Etymology: after Louis Dollo died 1931 Belgian paleontologist : a generalization in biology: characters lost in the course of evolution are never regained in the original form … Useful english dictionary
dollo's — dol·lo s … English syllables
Dollo's rule — The principle that evolution is irreversible, i.e., structures or functions once lost cannot be regained … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology