

Eupatorion (griechisch Εὐπατόριον) war eine Festung bei der antiken Stadt Chersones, dem heutigen Sewastopol. Sie wurde von Diophantos, dem Feldherrn des Mithridates VI. von Pontos angelegt, als er die Stadt gegen die Skythen verteidigte. Der Name bezieht sich auf Eupator, den Beinamen des Mithridates.


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  • eupatoire — [ øpatwar ] n. f. • XVe; lat. eupatoria (herba), gr. eupatorion, de Eupator, n. pr. ♦ Bot. Plante herbacée (composées) des lieux humides, à fleurs roses, appelée aussi chanvre d eau. ● eupatoire nom féminin (bas latin eupatoria herba aigremoine,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • eupatorio — (Del gr. eupatorion.) ► sustantivo masculino BOTÁNICA Planta compuesta, de flores blancas y rosadas, que crece en los lugares húmedos. (Eupatorium cannabinum.) * * * eupatorio (del lat. «eupatorĭum», del gr. «eupatórion»; cualquier especie del… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • eupatorium — /yooh peuh tawr ee euhm, tohr /, n. any of numerous composite plants of the genus Eupatorium, having flat topped clusters of flowers and comprising the bonesets or thoroughworts. [1570 80; < NL < Gk eupatórion hemp agrimony, after Eupátor surname …   Universalium

  • eupatorio — eu·pa·tò·rio s.m. 1. TS nome un tempo dato a varie piante dotate di proprietà terapeutiche come l agrimonia e l achillea 2. TS bot. pianta del genere Eupatorio | con iniz. maiusc., genere della famiglia delle Composite {{line}} {{/line}} …   Dizionario italiano

  • eupatorium — /jupəˈtɔriəm/ (say yoohpuh tawreeuhm) noun any plant of the large genus Eupatorium, mostly American, with heads of white or purplish flowers; several species are cultivated, some have become weeds. {New Latin, from Greek eupatorion; named after… …  

  • eupatorium — [yo͞o΄pə tôr′ē əm] n. [ModL < Gr eupatorion, hemp agrimony, named in honor of Mithridates Eupatōr, king of Pontus] any of a genus (Eupatorium) of plants of the composite family, including the mistflower, joe pye weed, and boneset …   English World dictionary

  • eupatory — ˈyüpəˌtōrē noun ( es) Etymology: Middle English eupatorie wild sage, from Late Latin eupatorion horehound, from Greek, hemp agrimony : a plant of the genus Eupatorium …   Useful english dictionary

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