Fraticelli — • A name given to various heretical sects which appeared in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, principally in Italy Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Fraticelli Fraticelli … Catholic encyclopedia
Fraticelli — Fraticelli, s. Fratricelli … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Fraticelli — Fraticelli, Name der Minoriten in Italien, später Schimpfwort für die Mitglieder nicht approbierter Orden, endlich oft gleichbedeutend gebraucht mit Frömmler. Besonders aber hießen F. (beim Volke bisochi Bettelsäcke, bighini Aschgraue u.s.w.) die … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Fraticelli — Nom porté dans le centre de l Italie. C est un diminutif de Frati (singulier Frate) avec le sens de frère (marquant la parenté) … Noms de famille
Fraticelli — The Fraticelli, sometimes confusingly called Fratricelli, were medieval Roman Catholic groups that could trace their origins to the Franciscans, but which came into being as a separate entity. The Fraticelli were declared heretical by the Church… … Wikipedia
Fraticelli — Demande de traduction Fraticelli → Fraticelli … Wikipédia en Français
Fraticelli — Fratricelli Fra tri*cel li, n. pl. [It. fraticelli, lit., little brothers, dim. fr. frate brother, L. frater.] (Eccl. Hist.) (a) The name which St. Francis of Assisi gave to his followers, early in the 13th century. (b) A sect which seceded from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
FRATICELLI vel BISOCHI — FRATICELLI, vel BISOCHI Monachi apostatiae, sub Duce Hermanno Pongilupo, A. C. 1294. in Marchia Anconitana, errores orsi, feminas secum, sub religionis praetextu, circumducebant, communia habentes omnia, et Superiorum excusso iugo. Sit fides… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
FRATICELLI — (i. e. Little Brethren), a religious sect which arose in Italy in the 13th century, and continued to exist until the close of the 15th. They were an offshoot from the FRANCISCANS (q.v.), who sought in their lives to enforce more rigidly the… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
fraticelli — frat·i·cel·li … English syllables