
Abhorrence logo.svg
Allgemeine Informationen
Genre(s) Death Metal
Gründung 1989
Auflösung 1990
Website http://www.timetombs.net/abhorrence
Tomi Koivusaari
Kalle Mattsson
Jukka „Shrike“ Kolehmainen
Jussi „Juice“ Ahlroth
Kimmo Heikkinen (bis Spätsommer 1990)
Letzte Besetzung
Tomi Koivusaari
Kalle Mattsson
Jukka „Shrike“ Kolehmainen
Jussi „Juice“ Ahlroth
Mika „Arkki“ Arnkil (seit Spätsommer 1990)

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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • Abhorrence — Ab*hor rence, n. Extreme hatred or detestation; the feeling of utter dislike. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • abhorrence — index alienation (estrangement), contempt (disdain), disapprobation, disapproval, disdain, hatred …   Law dictionary

  • abhorrence — (n.) 1650s; see ABHORRENT (Cf. abhorrent) + ENCE (Cf. ence) …   Etymology dictionary

  • abhorrence — detestation, loathing, abomination, hatred, hate (see under HATE vb) Analogous words: distaste, repugnance, repellency (see corresponding adjectives at REPUGNANT): horror, dismay (see FEAR) Antonyms: admiration: enjoyment Contrasted words: esteem …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • abhorrence — [n] disgust detestation, enmity, hate, hatred, horror, loathing, malice, odium, repugnance, revulsion; concepts 410,720 …   New thesaurus

  • abhorrence — [abhôr′əns, abhär′əns] n. 1. an abhorring; loathing; detestation 2. something abhorred; something repugnant SYN. AVERSION …   English World dictionary

  • Abhorrence — Infobox musical artist Name = Abhorrence Img capt = Img size = Landscape = Yes Background = group or band Alias = Origin = Finland Genre = Death metal Years active = 1989 1990 Label = Seraphic Decay Records Associated acts = Amorphis URL =… …   Wikipedia

  • abhorrence — [[t]æbhɒ̱rəns, AM hɔ͟ːr [/t]] N UNCOUNT: usu with supp, oft poss N, N of n Someone s abhorrence of something is their strong hatred of it. [FORMAL] They are anxious to show their abhorrence of racism. Syn: hatred …   English dictionary

  • abhorrence — abhorrent ► ADJECTIVE ▪ inspiring disgust and loathing. DERIVATIVES abhorrence noun …   English terms dictionary

  • abhorrence — noun Date: 1660 1. a. the act or state of abhorring b. the feeling of one who abhors 2. one that is abhorred …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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