Carothers — [kə rʌȓəz], Wallace Hume, amerikanischer Chemiker, * Burlington (Iowa) 27. 4. 1896, ✝ (Selbstmord) Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) 29. 4. 1937; war seit 1928 Leiter des Forschungslaboratoriums des Chemiekonzerns E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company… … Universal-Lexikon
Carothers — [kə ruth′ərz] Wallace Hume 1896 1937; U.S. chemist … English World dictionary
Carothers — noun United States chemist who developed nylon (1896 1937) • Syn: ↑Wallace Carothers, ↑Wallace Hume Carothers • Instance Hypernyms: ↑chemist … Useful english dictionary
Carothers-Gleichung — Die Carothers Gleichung beschreibt den Zusammenhang von Polymerisationsgrad und dem Umsatzgrad p bei einer Stufenwachstumsreaktion. Sie ist nach Wallace Hume Carothers benannt.[1] Es gibt mehrere Varianten, für A B Systeme, A A/B B Systeme und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Carothers equation — In step growth polymerization, the Carothers equation (or Carothers equation) gives the number average degree of polymerization, X n, for a given fractional monomer conversion, p .:ar{X} n=frac{1}{1 p}This equation was proposed by Wallace… … Wikipedia
Carothers, Wallace Hume — ▪ American chemist born April 27, 1896, Burlington, Iowa, U.S. died April 29, 1937, Philadelphia, Pa. American chemist who developed nylon, the first synthetic polymer fibre to be produced commercially (in 1938) and one that laid the foundation… … Universalium
Carothers , Wallace Hume — (1896–1937) American industrial chemist Carothers, the son of a teacher, was born in Burlington, Iowa, and gained a BS degree from Tarkio College, Missouri (1920), after working his way through college. He gained his PhD in 1924 from the… … Scientists
Carothers-Seide — Ca|ro|thers Sei|de [kə rʌğəz ; nach dem amer. Chemiker W. H. Carothers (1896–1937)]: svw. ↑ Nylon … Universal-Lexikon
Carothers — /keuh rudh euhrz/, n. Wallace Hume, 1896 1937, U.S. chemist: associated with the invention of synthetic nylon material. * * * … Universalium
Carothers,Wallace Hume — Ca·roth·ers (kə rŭthʹərz), Wallace Hume. 1896 1937. American chemist who developed the synthetic material nylon, which was patented in 1937. * * * … Universalium