Cat Island — may refer to:Islands* Cat Island (Tasmania), Australia * Cat Island (Bahamas), Bahamas * Cat Island (Rodrigues), Mauritius * Cat Island (Arkansas), USA * Cat Island (Massachusetts), USA * Cat Island (Mississippi), USA * Cat Island (Wisconsin),… … Wikipedia
Cat Island — es una de las islas centrales del archipiélago de las Bahamas. Es uno de los baluartes de la zona oriental del archipiélago. Tiene 60 metros de precipicios (una altura poco común para las Bahamas), bosques densos y cuevas precolombinas de los… … Enciclopedia Universal
Cat Island — Cat Island, Insel, so v.w. San Salvador … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Cat Island — (spr. kätt ailǟnd), eine der brit. Bahamainseln (Westindien), 556 qkm groß, fruchtbar, mit Weiden und 2400 Einw. Manche halten sie für das San Salvador des Kolumbus … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Cat Island — Île Cat Île Cat Cat Island (en) Géographie Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Cat Island — Sp Katės salà Ap Cat Island L Bahamose; Misisipės įl., JAV (Misisipės v ja) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Cat Island — Admin ASC 1 Code Orig. name Cat Island Country and Admin Code BS.06 BS … World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II
Cat Island (Mississippi) — Cat Island is a barrier island off the Gulf Coast of the United States. The island is named for raccoons which early explorers mistook for cats. It was called Isle aux Chats and Isola de Gati in French and Italian, respectively. It is within the… … Wikipedia
Cat Island (Bahamas) — Cat Island is in the central Bahamas, and one of its districts, and boasts the nation s highest point. Its Mount Alvernia rises to 206 ft (63 m) and is topped by a monastery called The Hermitage .The first European settlers were Loyalists fleeing … Wikipedia
Cat Island (Wisconsin) — Cat Island is a Wisconsin island in Lake Superior. It is one of the Apostle Islands and a part of the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.Cat Island has gone by a number of names including Kagagiwanjikag Miniss (Ojibwe for Island of Hemlock Trees… … Wikipedia