hugon — ou huguet (hu gon ou hu ghè) s. m. Espèce de revenant qui se montrait dans la ville de Tours et dont on effrayait les enfants. On l appelait souvent le roi Hugon ou le roi Huguet. HISTORIQUE XVIe s. • Tours, où, comme quelques uns ont voulu … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Hugon — Nom de personne d origine germanique, cas régime de Hugo (hug = intelligence). Le patronyme est surtout présent dans le Gard et la Lozère … Noms de famille
Hugon Huvilat — (Houkkala,Финляндия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Rautjärventie 100, 56610 Houkkala, Финля … Каталог отелей
Hugon Hanke — (born 1904 died December 19, 1964) was a Polish politician, best know for being a Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland in Exile (in 1955) and his unexcepted return to the communist ruled country while serving as PM.He was involved in politics … Wikipedia
Hugon Hanke — (nacido 1904 muerto December 19, 1964) era un político de Polonia, más conocido por ser Primer Ministro de la República de Polonia en el exilio (en 1955) y su inesperado regreso al país comunista sirviendo como Pm Estuvo envuelto en la política… … Wikipedia Español
Hugon Hanke — (* 1904; † 19. Dezember 1964) war ein polnischer Politiker und Ministerpräsident der Polnischen Exilregierung. Biographie Hanke war bereits vor dem Polenfeldzug und dem Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges am 1. September 1939 politisch aktiv als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hugon, André — (1886 1960) Director, producer, and screenwriter. André Hugon was born in Algiers, at the time a French territory. He began his career in the silent film era as a screenwriter for Pathé, where he worked on Georges Monca s Rigadin series (1912) … Guide to cinema
Hugon, André — (1886 1960) Director, producer, and screenwriter. André Hugon was born in Algiers, at the time a French territory. He began his career in the silent film era as a screenwriter for Pathé, where he worked on Georges Monca s Rigadin series (1912) … Historical Dictionary of French Cinema
Hugon, André — (Jean Hugon / December 17, 1886, Algiers, Algeria August 22, 1960, Cannes, Alpes Maritimes, France) A former film journalist for Paris Midi, Excelsior, and Le Temps, he launched an illustrated movie magazine, Cinéma Théâtre, in 1918. He wrote… … Encyclopedia of French film directors
hugōn — s. hugō ; … Germanisches Wörterbuch