John Church

John Church

John Church ist der Name folgender Personen:

  • John Church (Geistlicher) (17801835), konfessionsloser Geistlicher, der in einen Homosexuellenskandal verwickelt war
  • John Church (Fußballspieler) (* 1919), englischer Fußballspieler
  • John Barker Church (17461818), britischer Politiker
  • John H. Church (18921953), US-amerikanischer General
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  • John Church — El reverendo John Church (nacido en 1780 y fallecido en torno a 1835) fue un clérigo independiente, especialmente conocido por su implicación en un escándalo homosexual conocido como la camarilla de la calle Vere. Este escándalo ha sido señalado… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • John Church Hamilton — (Born August 22, 1792 died July 25, 1882) was the forth son, fifth child of the founding father Alexander Hamilton. He was a lawyer, fought in the War of 1812, and devoted decades to writing a many volumed life of his father and sorting through… …   Wikipedia

  • John Church (Geistlicher) — John Church (* 1780; † 1835) war ein konfessionsloser Geistlicher, der für den Homosexuellenskandal in der Vere Street Coterie bekannt ist. Er wird oft als der erste offen homosexuelle Geistliche in England angesehen.[1] Einzelnachweise ↑ His… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John Church (priest) — The Reverend John Church (born 1780 circa 1835) was an Independent clergyman most famous for his involvement in the homosexual scandal of the Vere Street Coterie. He is often claimed as the first openly gay ordained Christian minister in England …   Wikipedia

  • John Church Company — The John Church Company was a 19th century American publishing company that specialized in sheet music. They had offices in Cincinnati, Ohio; New York, New York; and Chicago, Illinois. The company published the works of John Philips Sousa, Dan… …   Wikipedia

  • John Church Company Building (Cincinnati, Ohio) — Infobox nrhp name = John Church Company Building caption = location = Cincinnati, Ohio architect = Samuel Hannaford cite web|url=|title=National Register Information System|date=2007 06 30|work=National Register of Historic… …   Wikipedia

  • Alfred John Church — (29 January, 1829 ndash; 27 April, 1912) was an English classical scholar. Church was born in London and was educated at King s College London, and Lincoln College, Oxford, he took holy orders and was an assistant master at Merchant Taylors… …   Wikipedia

  • Church — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Albert T. Church, Vize Admiral der US Navy Alonzo Church (1903–1995), US amerikanischer Mathematiker Arthur Herbert Church (1834–1915), britischer Autor, Maler und Chemiker Benjamin Church, General der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • John N. Klohr — John Nicholas Klohr (July 27, 1869 – February 17, 1956) was a composer of band music. Klohr was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. A graduate of the Cincinnati public schools, Klohr set upon a career in music, especially vaudeville. He was a vaudeville… …   Wikipedia

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