

Kinnard ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

  • George L. Kinnard (1803–1836), US-amerikanischer Politiker
  • Harry Kinnard (~1915–2009), US-amerikanischer Heeresoffizier
  • Wendy Kinnard (* 1959), Politikerin aus Jersey

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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • Kinnard — This surname is of early medieval Scottish origin, and is a territorial name from the barony of Kinnaird in Perthshire, so called from the Old Gaelic ceann , head, top, summit, with ard , high. Several other minor places in Scotland are named… …   Surnames reference

  • Kinnard — gälischer Ursprung, Bedeutung: der vom hohen Berg …   Deutsch namen

  • William N. Kinnard — Dr. William N. Kinnard, Jr. (September 12, 1926 April 6, 2001) was one of America s leading real estate educators, authors, and experts in the field of appraiser. Dr. Kinnard was an emeritus professor of finance and real estate at the University… …   Wikipedia

  • George L. Kinnard — (* 1803 in Pennsylvania; † 26. November 1836 in Cincinnati, Ohio) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1833 und 1836 vertrat er den Bundesstaat Indiana im US Repräsentantenhaus. Werdegang Das genaue Geburtsdatum und der Geburtsort… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ralph Kinnard — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Director Nacido en Alemania, a los 19 años se incorporó en la escuela de teatro “Andy Geer”, en Munich. Su pasión por el arte escénico lo condujo a integrarse al Performing Arts Phillip Gaulier, en Londres; y… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Wendy Kinnard — Senator Wendy Kinnard is the current Home Affairs Minister of Jersey.BiographyWendy Kinnard was born on 23 March 1959, Jersey. From the Open University, she gained a BA (Hons) in applied Applied Social Sciences, and a Dip.H.E. in Social and… …   Wikipedia

  • George L. Kinnard — (1803 1836) was a Representative from Indiana; born in Pennsylvania in 1803; moved with his widowed mother to Tennessee and completed preparatory studies; moved to Indianapolis, Ind., in 1823; studied law; was admitted to the bar and practised in …   Wikipedia

  • KINN — Kinnard Investments, Inc. (Business » NASDAQ Symbols) …   Abbreviations dictionary

  • Dollhouse (TV series) — Dollhouse Genre Science fiction Thriller[1] Psychological thriller Drama …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Bong Son — Part of the Vietnam War Troops landing in the valley …   Wikipedia

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