chicana — s. f. 1. Argúcia judicial. 2. Trapaçaria, enredos, cavilação … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
chicana — (Del fr. chicane). 1. f. Artimaña, procedimiento de mala fe, especialmente el utilizado en un pleito por alguna de las partes. 2. Broma, chanza … Diccionario de la lengua española
Chicana — ☆ Chicana [chi kä′nə ] n. pl. Chicanas [see CHICANO] a woman or girl of Mexican descent who is a citizen of, or is living in, the U.S. adj. of Chicanas … English World dictionary
Chicana/o studies — Chicano studies (also written as Chicano/a studies, Chicana/Chicano studies, or as Chican@ studies) is an academic discipline that originated in the Chicano Movement of the late 1960s and 1970s. Chicano Studies concerns itself with the study of… … Wikipedia
Chicana feminism — Part of a series on Feminism … Wikipedia
Chicana (automovilismo) — Chicane del autódromo de Imola. Una chicana en la … Wikipedia Español
Chicana/o-Latina/o Law Review — The Chicana/o Latina/o Law Review (CLLR; formerly Chicano Law Review and Chicano Latino Law Review) is a student edited and produced law journal at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law. Over the last 30 years, the Chicana/o… … Wikipedia
chicana — ► sustantivo femenino 1 Artimaña hecha con mala fe, en especial la utilizada en un pleito por alguna de las partes: ■ lo tuvo siempre engañado con toda suerte de chicanas. SINÓNIMO triquiñuela 2 Broma o chanza. * * * chicana (del fr. «chicane») 1 … Enciclopedia Universal
Chicana — UK [tʃɪˈkɑːnə] / US [tʃɪˈkɑnə] noun [countable] Word forms Chicana : singular Chicana plural Chicanas American a female citizen of the US who was born in Mexico or whose family was originally from Mexico … English dictionary
Chicana — noun Etymology: Mexican Spanish, feminine of chicano Date: 1967 an American woman or girl of Mexican descent • Chicana adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Chicana — /chi kah neuh, kan euh/, n. 1. a Mexican American girl or woman. adj. 2. of or pertaining to female Mexican Americans or their culture: a conference on Chicana issues. [1965 70; < MexSp, fem. of CHICANO] * * * … Universalium