

Lebensohn ist der Name folgender Personen:

  • Abraham Dob Lebensohn (17941878), hebräischer Dichter und Grammatiker sowie Vorkämpfer der litauischen Haskala, Vater von Micha Josef Lebensohn
  • Micha Josef Lebensohn (18281852), hebräischer Dichter und Übersetzer, Sohn von Abraham Dob Lebensohn
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  • Lebensohn — Lebensohn,   Micha Josef, Kurzform Mịchal, hebräischer Schriftsteller, * Wilna 22. 2. 1828, ✝ ebenda 4. 2. 1852; stand in Verbindung mit den Vertretern der Wissenschaft des Judentums. Er übersetzte Werke von Goethe, H. Heine, Schiller sowie… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • LEBENSOHN, MICAH JOSEPH — (also known as Mikhal; 1828–1852), one of the foremost Hebrew poets of the haskalah . Born in Vilna, the son of abraham dov lebensohn (Adam ha Kohen), who was a leading intellectual of the time and one of its outstanding poets, Micah Lebensohn… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • LEBENSOHN, ABRAHAM DOV — (known as Adam (Abraham Dov Mikhailishker) ha Kohen; 1794–1878), Hebrew   poet during the Haskalah period. He received elementary and yeshivah education in his native Vilna where he became a successful broker. His earliest published writings were …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Lebensohn, Micah (Mikhal) Joseph — (1828–52)    Hebrew poet. Lebensohn was a gifted and tragic young figure in Haskalah (‘enlightenment’) literature. He contracted tuberculosis at seventeen and died at twenty four. His collected lyrical and epic poems and his translations of… …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

  • Lebensohn, Abraham Dov (Adam ha-Cohen) — (1794 1878)    Lithuanian Hebrew poet. He was born in Vilna where he became a successful broker. He was a central figure in the Haskalah movement in Lithuania, and an outstanding poet; his poetry was collected in Shire Sephat Kodesh. With Isaac… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Lebensohn, Micah Joseph (Michal) — (1828 52)    Lithuanian Hebrew poet of the Haskalah. He was born in Vilna. His publications include a Hebrew translation of part of Virgil s Aeneid, but later he turned to subjects from Hebrew literature. His poems were published in Songs of the… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Moisés Lebensohn — Moisés Lebensohn. Moisés Lebensohn (12 de agosto de 1907 13 de junio de 1953) fue un político, periodista y abogado argentino. Si bien nunca alcanzó cargos públicos de gran relevancia, es considerado como uno de los ideólogos fundamentales de la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Abraham Dob Bär Lebensohn — (born in Vilna, Russia, (now Vilnius, Lithuania) about 1789/1794; died there November 19, 1878) was a Russian Hebraist, poet, and grammarian.LifeLike all Jewish boys of that time in Russia he was educated as a Talmudist, but became interested in… …   Wikipedia

  • Micha Josef Lebensohn — (auch kurz Michal genannt = M. I. Kohen Lebensohn; * 22. Februar 1828 in Wilna; † 17. Februar 1852 ebenda) war ein hebräischer Dichter und Übersetzer in die hebräische Sprache. Leben …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Micah Joseph Lebensohn — (born in Wilna, Russia (now Vilnius, Lithuania), February 22, 1828; died there February 17, 1852) Russian Hebrew poet. His father, the poet Abraham Bär Lebensohn, implanted in him the love of Hebrew poetry, and Micah Joseph began very early to… …   Wikipedia

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