Martial Law

Martial Law

Martial Law ist:

  • Martial LawDer Karate-Cop, eine US-amerikanische Kriminalserie
  • Martial Law (1991), ein US-amerikanischer Film mit David Carradine
  • Martial Law 2: Undercover, US-amerikanischer Actionfilm von 1992, Fortsetzung von Martial Law
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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • martial law — mar·tial law / mär shəl / n 1: the law applied in occupied territory by the military authority of the occupying power 2: the law administered by military forces that is invoked by a government in an emergency when civilian law enforcement… …   Law dictionary

  • Martial law — Martial Mar tial, a. [F., fr. L. martialis of or belonging to Mars, the god of war. Cf. {March} the month.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of, pertaining to, or suited for, war; military; as, martial music; a martial appearance. Martial equipage. Milton.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Martial law — Law Law (l[add]), n. [OE. lawe, laghe, AS. lagu, from the root of E. lie: akin to OS. lag, Icel. l[ o]g, Sw. lag, Dan. lov; cf. L. lex, E. legal. A law is that which is laid, set, or fixed; like statute, fr. L. statuere to make to stand. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • martial law — n [U] a situation in which the army controls an area instead of the police, especially because of fighting against the government impose/declare martial law ▪ The government may declare martial law in response to the latest violence in the region …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Martial Law — es una serie de television emitida por CBS, que salio al aire en 1998, de 44 capitulos,que esta protagonizada por Sammo Hung Kam Bo, Kelly Hu, Arsenio Hall, Louis Mandylor, Gretchen Egolf, Tom Wright, Erik Betts, Tammy Lauren, Julia Campbell, Tzi …   Wikipedia Español

  • martial law — ► NOUN ▪ military government, involving the suspension of ordinary law …   English terms dictionary

  • martial law — n. temporary rule by the military authorities over the civilian population, as in an area of military operations in time of war, or when civil authority has broken down: distinguished from MILITARY LAW …   English World dictionary

  • martial law — noun uncount direct control of a country or area by the military …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Martial law — Not to be confused with Marital law. Martial law is the imposition of military rule by military authorities over designated regions on an emergency basis (usually) only temporary when the civilian government or civilian authorities fail to… …   Wikipedia

  • martial law — noun the body of law imposed by the military over civilian affairs (usually in time of war or civil crisis); overrides civil law • Topics: ↑military, ↑armed forces, ↑armed services, ↑military machine, ↑war machine, ↑law, ↑jurisprudence …   Useful english dictionary

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