

Unlimited (englisch für "unbeschränkt", Zusatzkennzeichen für angelsächsische Unternehmen mit unbeschränkter Haftung, siehe: Private unlimited company) steht für

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  • Unlimited — may refer to:* An unlimited or infinite quantity * The suffix of an unlimited companyPopular culture:* , an anime television showMusic:* Unlimited , an album by Chinese Band F.I.R., released April 2005 * Unlimited , an album by Cantopop singer… …   Wikipedia

  • Unlimited — Un*lim it*ed, a. 1. Not limited; having no bounds; boundless; as, an unlimited expanse of ocean. [1913 Webster] 2. Undefined; indefinite; not bounded by proper exceptions; as, unlimited terms. Nothing doth more prevail than unlimited generalities …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • unlimited — UK US /ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd/ adjective ► not limited in amount, number, or level: unlimited access/time »We pay a flat monthly rate of $19.95 for unlimited internet access. unlimited calls/fines »The plan allows consumers unlimited calls anywhere in the… …   Financial and business terms

  • unlimited — [unlim′it id] adj. 1. without limits or restrictions [unlimited power] 2. lacking or seeming to lack boundaries; vast; illimitable [unlimited space] …   English World dictionary

  • unlimited — I adjective boundless, endless, free, immeasurable, immensus, incalculable, indefinite, inexhaustible, infinite, infinitus, interminable, limitless, measureless, perpetual, termless, unbounded, unchecked, unconditional, unconflned, uncontrolled,… …   Law dictionary

  • unlimited — mid 15c., from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of LIMIT (Cf. limit) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • unlimited — [adj] extensive, complete absolute, all encompassing, all out*, boundless, countless, endless, full, full blown*, full out*, full scale, great, illimitable, immeasurable, immense, incalculable, incomprehensible, indefinite, infinite, interminable …   New thesaurus

  • unlimited — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not limited or restricted; infinite …   English terms dictionary

  • Unlimited EP — Infobox Album Name = Unlimited EP Type = EP Artist = Soul Position Released = August 27 2002 Recorded = Genre = Hip Hop Length = Label = Rhymesayers Entertainment Producer = RJD2 Reviews = *Pitchfork Media (8.0/10)… …   Wikipedia

  • unlimited — un|lim|i|ted [ʌnˈlımıtıd] adj 1.) without any limit ▪ The system can support an unlimited number of users. ▪ unlimited access to information ▪ The ticket offers unlimited travel on British Rail for seven days. 2.) very large in amount ▪ an… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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