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  • Cicognini — may refer to: Jeanine Cicognini, Swiss badminton player Alessandro Cicognini, (1906 1995) Italian film composer Giacinto Andrea Cicognini, (1606 1651) Italian playwright This page or section lists people with the surname Cicognini. If an …   Wikipedia

  • Cicognīni — (spr. Tschikonjini), Giac. Andrea, Florentiner des 17. Jahrh., wird, weil er zuerst Arien in den Text des Schauspiels einlegte, als[140] Begründer der Oper (s.d.) angesehen; er schr. u.a. das Drama: Giasone, 1641 …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Cicognini, Alessandro — (1906 1995)    Trained at the Conservatory of Milan and with an established reputation as a classical composer, Cicognini began working in the cinema in the mid 1930s, his first score being for Amleto Palermi s Il corsaro nero (The Black Corsair …   Guide to cinema

  • Cicognini, Alessandro — (1906 1995)    Trained at the Conservatory of Milan and with an established reputation as a classical composer, Cicognini began working in the cinema in the mid 1930s, his first score being for Amleto Palermi s Il corsaro nero (The Black Corsair …   Historical dictionary of Italian cinema

  • Jeanine Cicognini — (* 14. November 1986 in Brig, Wallis) ist eine Schweizer Badmintonspielerin. Sportliche Karriere Cicognini gewann ihre ersten nationalen Titel 2002 bei den Schweizer Meisterschaften der Junioren. 2003, noch sechzehnjährig, siegte sie erstmals bei …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Giacinto Andrea Cicognini — (Florence, 1606 – Venice, 1650) was an Italian playwright and librettist, and was the son of poet and playwright Jacopo Cicognini.In 1627, Cicognini graduated from the University of Pisa, and he lived in Florence from 1640 to 1645 where he have… …   Wikipedia

  • Alessandro Cicognini — (* 15. Januar 1906 in Pescara (Italien); † 9. November 1995 in Rom (Italien)) war ein italienischer Filmkomponist. Cicognini wurde insbesondere durch seine Musik zu den Filmen der Don Camillo Reihe mit Fernandel und Gino Cervi bekannt, aber auch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Alessandro Cicognini — (b. Pescara, January 15, 1906 d. Rome, November 9, 1995) was an Italian film music composer.Cicognini was classically trained at the Milan Conservatory of Music. He composed 106 soundtracks between 1936 and 1993, many of them for filmmaker… …   Wikipedia

  • Giacinto Andrea Cicognini — (* 1606 in Florenz; † 1651 in Venedig) war ein italienischer Dramatiker und Librettist; er war der Sohn des Dichters und Dramatikers Jacopo Cicognini. 1627 schloss er seine Ausbildung an der Universität Pisa ab. 1640 bis 1645 lebte er in Florenz… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Jeanine Cicognini — (born November 1986, Valais, Switzerland) is a badminton player. She became a badminton professional as soon as she left school.She soon moved to Denmark but for the past year she has been at the international badminton federation s training… …   Wikipedia

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